(International fountain, Seattle Center. Photo
by my dad, April 2009)
Contact coordinates
Mirela Andronescu
Post-doctoral fellow, Noble
Dept. of Genome Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA
andrones at uw dot edu
Curriculum Vitae
Mirela Andronescu received her B.Sc. in Computational Economics
from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Romania,
in 1999. In 2001, she joined the Deptartment
of Computer Science's bioinformatics group of the BETA
lab at the University of British
Columbia. She received her M.Sc. degree in 2003 and her
Ph.D. degree in 2008. Currently, Mirela is an NSERC post-doctoral
fellow in Noble
lab at the University
of Washington's Deptartment
of Genome Sciences.
My main research interests are in developing computational
tools, statistical methods, machine learning and other algorithms
to analyse biological data, including data from high-throughput
genome-wide technologies and mass spectrometry data. Some
current areas of research include:
- understanding chromatin structure and relation to genome
- analysing large genomic and proteomic data sets in the
context of various human diseases, including hearing loss,
cancers, asthma and sepsis;
- understanding the role of RNA secondary structure in
human disease;
- integrating data from multiple data sources;
- using computational methods to obtain better design
of high-throughput technologies.
- M. Andronescu, A. Condon, H.H. Hoos, D.H. Mathews
and K.P. Murphy, Computational approaches for RNA energy
parameter estimation, RNA, in press.
- Z. Duan*, M. Andronescu*, K. Schutz, S. McIlwain,
Y.J. Kim, C. Lee, J. Shendure, S. Fields, C.A. Blau, and
W.S. Noble, A three-dimensional model of the yeast genome,
Nature 2010, 465:363-7 (* equal contribution). [
| web
page | Nature
podcast mp3 | Nature
podcast html ]
- D. Tulpan, M. Andronescu, and S. Leger, Free energy
estimation of short DNA duplex hybridizations, BMC Bioinformatics
2010, 11:105. [ pubmed
- M. Andronescu*, C. Pop*, and A. Condon, Improved
free energy parameters for RNA pseudoknotted secondary structure
prediction, RNA 2010, 16(1):26-42. [ pubmed
| web
page | run
HotKnots online ]
- M. Andronescu and M. Brodie, Decision tree learning
using a Bayesian approach at each node, Proceedings of
the 22nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2009, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2009,
5549: 4-15. [ Springer
link ]
- M. Andronescu, V. Bereg, H.H. Hoos, and A. Condon,
RNA STRAND: The RNA secondary structure and statistical
analysis database, BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(1):
340. [ pubmed
| RNA STRAND database
- M. Andronescu, A. Condon, H.H. Hoos, D.H. Mathews,
and K.P. Murphy, Efficient parameter estimation for RNA
secondary structure prediction, Bioinformatics 2007,
23(13): i19-i28, ISMB/ECCB 2007 (15\% acceptance
rate). [ pubmed
| CG software ]
- M. Andronescu and A. Condon, Finding MFE structures
formed by nucleic acid strands in a combinatorial set, Nanotechnology:
Science and Computing, J. Chen, N. Jonoska. G. Rozenberg
(Eds.), Natural Computing Series 2006, Springer, 121-136.
[ pdf ]
- D. Tulpan, M. Andronescu, S.B. Chang, M.R. Shortreed,
A. Condon, H.H. Hoos and L.M. Smith, Thermodynamically based
DNA strand design, Nucleic Acids Research 2005, 33(15):
4951-4964. [ pubmed
- M.R. Shortreed, S.B. Chang, D. Hong, M. Phillips, B. Campion,
D.C. Tulpan, M. Andronescu, A. Condon, H.H. Hoos
and L.M. Smith, A thermodynamic approach to designing structure-free
combinatorial DNA word sets, Nucleic Acids Research
2005, 33(15): 4965-4977. [ pubmed
- M. Andronescu, Z.C. Zhang and A. Condon, Secondary
structure prediction of interacting RNA molecules, Journal
of Molecular Biology 2005, 345(5): 987-1001. [ pubmed
| MultiRNAFold
download | Pairfold
online ]
- M. Andronescu, A.P. Fejes, F. Hutter, H.H. Hoos
and A. Condon, A new algorithm for RNA secondary structure
design, Journal of Molecular Biology 2004, 336(3):
607-624. [ pubmed
Designer online ]
- M. Andronescu, R. Aguirre-Hernandez, A. Condon
and H. Hoos,
RNAsoft: a suite of RNA secondary structure prediction and
design software tools, Nucleic Acids Research 2003,
31: 3416-3422. [ pubmed
| RNAsoft web site
- M. Andronescu, D. Dees, L. Slaybaugh, Y. Zhao,
A. Condon, B. Cohen and S. Skiena, Algorithms for testing
that sets of DNA words concatenate without secondary structure,
Natural Computing 2003, 2(4): 391-415. Also in the
Proceedings of the Eighth International Meeting on DNA
Based Computers (DNA 8) 2002, Sapporo, Japan. [ Springer
link | CombFold
online ]
- Computational approaches for RNA energy parameter estimation,
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of British
Columbia. [ pdf
- Algorithms for predicting the secondary structure of pairs
and combinatorial sets of nucleic acid strands, M.Sc. thesis,
Dept. of Computer Science, University of British Columbia.
[ pdf
- Constraint
Generation (CG), algorithm for RNA free energy parameter
- MultiRNAFold,
software for RNA secondary structure prediction
- RNAsoft, online access
to software for RNA/DNA secondary structure prediction and
the online RNA secondary STRucture and statistical ANalysis
I've had the pleasure to work with some wonderful people,
- Bill
Noble, Associate Professor, Depts. of Genome Sciences
and Computer Science and Engineering, UW
- Tony
Blau, Professor of Medicine, UW
- Stan
Fields, Professor of Genome Sciences and Medicine, UW
- Jay
Shendure, Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences, UW
- Mike
Maccoss, Associate Professor of Genome Sciences, UW
- Ed
Rubel, Professor of Otolaryngology, UW
- Anne Condon,
Professor of Computer Science, UBC
- Holger Hoos,
Professor of Computer Science, UBC
- Dave Mathews,
University of Rochester Medical Center
- Kevin Murphy,
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Statistics,
Some non-profit organizations that I like and sometimes
May 27, 2010
Our abstract on yeast chromatin structure was accepted
for platform (oral) presentation at the Yeast
May 6, 2010
Our chromatin architecture paper is featured in this
week's Nature podcast!
May 2, 2010
Our chromatin architecture Nature paper was published
Sep 23, 2009,
UW GS retreat
I received the best poster award ($1250)
May 25, 2009, Vancouver BC
Ph.D. graduation ceremony at UBC, and conferral
of Governor General's Gold Medal for PhD.