The SIFT Keypoint DetectorDavid Lowe
Implementations of the SIFT Keypoint DetectorThere are many publicly available implementations of SIFT. A good one is VLFeat by Andrea Vedaldi. There are also versions in OpenCV and other sources.For historic purposes, this page provides access to an older 2005 demo version of David Lowe's SIFT keypoint detector in the form of compiled binaries that can run under Linux or Windows. The demo software uses PGM format for image input. It can output keypoints and all information needed for matching them to a file in a simple ASCII format. A Matlab program and sample C code are provided that can read the keypoints and match them between images.
The demo program can be accessed from the following link in the form of a zip file containing the compiled binaries and demo code. To unpack, use "unzip" from Linux or an unzip utility in Windows. The code comes with a file README giving full details. SIFT demo program (Version 4, July 2005)
Related papersThe most complete and up-to-date reference for the SIFT feature detector is given in the following journal paper:
The SIFT approach to invariant keypoint detection was first described in the following ICCV 1999 conference paper, which also gives some more information on the applications to object recognition:
Patent HistoryThere was previously a US patent on SIFT held by the University of British Columbia, which expired as of March 7, 2020.