CPSC536A - Notes for Class 7 - Multiple Sequence Alignment
Jan 25, 2001
0. Some notes
Introduction to Multiple Sequence Alignment
1.1 What
is multiple sequence alignment?
1.2 Why do we need
it? - Motivations
1.3 An example
1.4 Definition:
Global Multiple Sequence Alignment
What is a good alignment? - Scoring Systems for MSA
2.1 some assumptions
2.2 The
ideal solution (and why we can't use it)
2.3 The practical
solution: The SP score
2.3.1 Assumptions
Definition : The Sum of Pairs score (SP-score)
2.3.3 Critique of the SP
Constructing MSA's using the SP-score
3.1 The Algorithm
3.2 Complexity
3.3 An Example
3.4 NP-completeness
and how to get around it...
Next lecture, we'll be looking
0. Some notes
This is a huge topic, which will only be covered in part during our lecture.
For further reading, Holger recommends the books
[Gusfield] and [Durbin et al.].
Most of the time when we talk of sequence alignment from now on, we will
mean amino-acid sequences, i.e. proteins
Introduction to Multiple Sequence Alignment
What is multiple sequence alignment?
Multiple Sequence alignment (MSA) can be seen as a generalization of Pairwise
Sequence Alignment - instead of
aligning two sequences, k sequences are aligned simultaneously, where
k is any number greater than two. (See below
for a more precise definition)
1.2 Why
do we need it? - Motivations
Computer scientists take it as a challenge, simply because it's possible
- generalization cannot be a bad thing
Biologists think beyond that and wonder if it is of any practical relevance.
And in fact, it is:
MSA allows us to extract and represent biologically important but faintly/
widely dispersed sequence
similarities - this can give us hints about the evolutionary history
of certain sequences, for example
MSA can help us to elucidate biological facts about proteins, etc.
analysis of the secondary/tertiary structure of , for example, proteins
critical consensus motives (DNA/ proteins)
MSA can be seen as inverse to Pairwise Sequence Alignment(PSA):
When an alignment is good using PSA, we usually conclude that there exists
a functional relationship between
the sequences
In MSA, we already know that there exists a functional similarity, and
want to find out where exactly it comes from
1.3 An example
see [Durbin et al.], fig. 6.1
The figure shows the alignment of ten subsequences of a particular family
of proteins
Definition: Global Multiple Sequence Alignment
A Global Multiple Sequence Alignment of N > 2 sequences
is obtained by inserting gaps ("_") into the
(note: these gaps can be
inserted at any position, i.e. also at the beginning or end) such that
the sequences obtained
this way have all length L and can be arranged in a matrix
of N rows and L columns
The ability to actually determine a good alignment highly depends on how
diverged the are
An effect that is often encountered in practice is that in proteins, some
regions within all sequences can be well aligned without spending
much effort, while other regions can't be meaningfully aligned at all
A plausible explanation for this is that not all residues within a protein
are important - some have little or no function at all.
Thus, there is little evolutionary pressure to conserve the structure
of these residues.
Typical sets of sequences only have a sequence similarity of about 30%
What is a good alignment? - Scoring Systems for MSA
2.1 some assumptions
Usually, the sequences are not independent - they usually have some sort
of evolutionary relationship
with each other, recorded in their phylogenetic tree (that we don't
Some positions within the sequences are more conserved than others.
This means that when there's a high level of similarity at one position,
"alignment-candidates" for this
position that deviate from the others should be given a high penalty.
E.g. all agree, except for one:
=> here, the "importance"
of N seems obvious, and so P should be given a high penalty
The ideal solution (and why we can't use it)
What we would like to have is a complete and precise model M of molecular
sequence evolution, such that given
the correct phylogenetic tree T for our set,
The practical solution: The SP score
2.3.1 Assumptions
the columns of the alignment matrix are statistically independent, and
we don't make use of phylogenetic trees (for now)
Definition : The Sum of Pairs score (SP-score)
- a substitution matrix like PAM or BLOSUM that gives us the price
s(x,y) for aligning two characters x and y
- a (L x N) MSA matrix M
The SP-score for the i-th
column of the MSA-matrix
is calculated as
hm.... below sigma, it's (1<=j<k<=N)
(being the j-th entry in the
i-th column), and the score for the whole matrix M is
Simply speaking, the SP score is calculated by first adding up all possible
(pairwise alignment) scores for one column and
then summing up the scores for all columns.
2.3.3 Critique
of the SP score
There's no probabilistic justification for the SP score
Each sequence is treated as if it were directly evolutionary related to
all other N-1 sequences, where in fact
it is very probably only directly related to one of them - this problem
arises because we don't use a phylogenetic
The SP score is easy to work with, and widely used
The results are reasonably good
Other (theoretically better founded) methods that are efficient are not
Constructing MSA's using the SP-score
3.1 The Algorithm
Idea: generalize the dynamic programming approach for pairwise alignment
(Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm)
Let's do this for an alignment of three sequences:
The score of an optimal alignment of the sequences x, y and z up to
positions is calculated
(same principle as for pairwise alignment) as
For three sequences, seven cases have to be considered - generally there
cases (N = number of sequences)
(at the (current) end of each sequence, we can add either a gap or the
next character -> ,
minus one because adding only gaps is not allowed)
for initialization, we use
(s(x,y) is the score we get from the PAM/BLOSUM/... matrix)
3.2 Complexity
For N sequences of length L, the above algorithm
( see [Gusfield] for an explanation of -
intuitively it means that the complexity is quite exactly )
An Example: Fig. 6.3, [Durbin et al.?]
It shows you the cube you get for an alignment of three sequences.
It turns out that not all cells of this cube (and in general, the N-dimensional
matrix) need to be computed, and the order of computation can also
be heuristically optimised. The rather sophisticated
algorithm by Carillo and Lipman exploits these ideas and achieves thus
"slightly" improved time and space usage over "naive" N-diminsional dynamic programming.
In 1988, Lipman, Altschul, and Kececioglu implemented a (further refined)
version of this algorithm in their program "MSA" (still in use).
MSA is practically restricted to 5-7 protein
sequences of typical length of 200-300 residues.
NP-completeness and how to get around it...
Bad news:
The problem we are trying to solve here is very hard intrinsically
- "NP-complete", as computer scientists say. For NP-complete problems,
there is (almost) no hope that there is an algorithm that is not exponential
in its complexity.
Most of the time, we're happy with a close approximation to the ideal
solution which can be efficiently computed:
Bounded Error Approximation
(see [Gusfield], Chapter 14, Section 6.2 for more)
do the alignment consistent with a tree ( not necessarily a phylogenetic
tree) that relates the sequences to each other
use the so-called "centre-star method"
this gives us, in polynomial time, an SP-score SP that satisfies
which seems to be nothing to be excited about, but it works reasonably well in
practice, and typically only deviates 2-16% from the optimal SP-score
still, this method isn't good enough to be used as a standalone method,
the theory behind it is interesting
it can be very useful for constructing the "really good" algorithms (which
are heuristics)
Next lecture,
we'll be looking at...
Heuristics and
Phylogenetic trees
D.Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences: Computational
Science and Computational Biology.
Cambridge University Press, 1997.
[Durbin et al.] Durbin, Eddy, Krogh, Mitchison:
Biological sequence analysis: Probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic
Cambridge University Press, 1998. (Available from CICSR Reading Room)