For NP-complete problems such as SAT, even the best known algorithms have worst-case running times that increase exponentially as the problem size increases. In practice, however, many large instances of NP-hard problems still can be solved within a reasonable amount of time. In order to understand this phenomenon, much effort has been invested in understanding the "empirical hardness" of such problems. Our approach of empirical hardness models uses linear basis function regression to obtain models that cab predict the time required for an algorithm to solve a given SAT instance. These empirical hardness models can be used to obtain insight into the factors responsible for an algorithm's performance, or to induce distributions of problem instances that are challenging for a given algorithm. They can also be leveraged to select among several different algorithms for solving a given problem instance. Empirical hardness models have also proven very useful for combinatorial auctions, a prominent NP-hard optimization problem. The procedure of building an empirical hardness model is follows.
Note that empirical hardness models can also be used for prediction algorithm performance other than runtime. For example, we use empirical hardness models to predict solver's score in SAT competition.
Previous research in the SAT domain has shown that better prediction accuracy and simpler models can be obtained when models are trained separately on satisfiable and unsatisfiable instances. We extend this work by training separate hardness models for each class, predicting the probability that a novel instance belongs to each class, and using these predictions to build a hierarchical hardness model using a mixture-of-experts approach. By studying a wide range of instance distributions and SAT solvers, we demonstrated that a classifier can be used to distinguish between satisfiable and unsatisfiable instances with surprisingly high (though not perfect) accuracy. We also showed that how such a classifier can be combined with conditional hardness models into a hierarchical hardness model using a mixture-of-experts approach. Our results show that in cases where we achieved high classification accuracy, the hierarchical models thus obtained always offered substantial improvements over an unconditional model. When the classifier was less accurate, our hierarchical models did not offer a substantial improvement over the unconditional model; however, hierarchical models were never significantly worse. It should be noted that our hierarchical models come at virtually no additional computational cost, as they depend on the same features as used for the individual regression models.
People in our lab:
Co-authors from other institutions:
For paper "Performance Prediction and Automated Tuning of Randomized and Parametric Algorithms"
For paper "Hierarchical Hardness Models for SAT"
Useful codes for computing features and collecting runtime data
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