By Investigators:
Dr. Kevin Leyton-Brown
Hydra: Automatically Configuring Algorithms for Portfolio-Based Selection.
AAAI2010, Atlanta, GA (USA), 2010/07/14 [slides].
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-Aided Algorithm Design: Automated Tuning, Configuration, Selection and Beyond.
Invited talk at the 20th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), Toronto, ON, 2010/05/12-16.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-Aided Algorithm Design: Applications to MIP and CP Solvers.
Invited talk at the IBM Software Group, Sophia-Antipolis (France).
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-Aided Algorithm Design: Automated Tuning, Configuration, Selection and Beyond.
Invited talk at the University of Bologna, Cesena (Italy).
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-Aided Design of High-Performance Algorithms: Principled Procedures for Building Better Solvers
Invited Tutorial at the 4th Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION 4), Venice (Italy), 2010/01/18-22.
Dr. Kevin Leyton-Brown
SATzilla and SATenstein: Attacking SAT with Automatic Design Patterns.
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, 2009/11/24.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, 2009/11/17.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (USA), 2009/11/03.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (USA) , 2009/10/30.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Brown University, Providence, RI (USA), 2009/10/28.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
MIT, Boston, MA (USA), 2009/10/27.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Keynote talk in Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences (APICS) Conference 2009, Halifax, NS, 2009/10/24.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 2009/10/15.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, 2009/10/13.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, 2009/10/07.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, 2009/10/06.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Taming the Complexity Monster.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2009/09/29.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-assisted design of high-performance algorithms: Principled procedures for building better solvers.
Stochastic local search (SLS) algorithms 2009, 2009/09/03 [tutorial slides].
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Automated Algorithm Configuration.
Fakultaet fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Wien (Austria), 2009/08/03.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Computer-Aided Design of High-Performance Algorithms.
GECCO-09 Workshop "Automated Heuristic Design: Crossing the Chasm for Search Methods" (invited talk), 2009/07/09.
Dr. Holger H. Hoos
Empirical methods for characterising and improving the performance of high-performance algorithms for hard combinatorial problems
AT&T Research, Florham Park, New Jersey (USA), 2009/06/18.
By Postdoctoral Fellows:
Dave Tompkins
Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2011), Ann Arbor, USA, June, 2011 [slides].
Frank Hutter
Automated Algorithm Configuration and Selection: Enabling Technologies for Building Better Algorithms
Invited talk at Simon Fraser University (SFU), February 3, 2011.
Frank Hutter
Sequential Model-Based Optimization for General Algorithm Configuration
Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION-5), Rome, Italy, January 18, 2011.
Frank Hutter
Automated Algorithm Configuration and Selection: Enabling Technologies for Building Better Algorithms
Invited talk at University of Freiburg, December 16, 2010;
University of Potsdam, December 14, 2010;
University of New Hampshire (UNH), December 7, 2010;
Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), December 6, 2010.
Dave Tompkins
Dynamic Local Search for SAT: Deisgn, Insights and Analysis.
Ph.D. Thesis Defense, University of British Columbia, 2010/09/16 [slides].
Frank Hutter
Automated Configuration of Mixed Integer Programming Solvers.
LCI forum, University of British Columbia, June 28, 2010.
Frank Hutter
Automated Configuration of Mixed Integer Programming Solvers.
International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in
Constraint Programming (CPAIOR-10), Bologna, Italy, June 16, 2010.
Frank Hutter
Doing a PhD in AI: a case study.
Invited talk at the Graduate Student Symposium of the Canadian Artificial Intelligence conference (AI-10),
Ottawa, Canada, May 30, 2010.
Frank Hutter
Automated Configuration of Algorithms for Solving Hard Computational Problems.
Invited talk at the COSA Colloquium, Cologne University of
Applied Sciences, May 11, 2010.
Frank Hutter
Time-Bounded Sequential Parameter Optimization.
Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION-4), Venice, Italy, January 20, 2010.
Frank Hutter
Automating the Configuration of Algorithms for Solving Hard Computational Problems.
Ph.D. thesis defense, University of British Columbia, 2009/09/18 [slides] .
Frank Hutter
An Experimental Investigation of Model-Based Parameter Optimisation:
SPO and Beyond.
ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference
(GECCO-09), Montreal, Canada, July 11, 2009.
Frank Hutter
Model-based optimization of algorithm parameters.
LCI forum, University of British Columbia, March 9, 2009.
By Students:
Lin Xu
SATzilla: Portfolio-based Algorithm Selection for SAT.
Invited talk at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011). Barcelona, July 19 2011 [slides]
Lin Xu
Hydra-MIP: utomated Algorithm Configuration and Selection or Mixed Integer Programming.
RCRA workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion at IJCAI-11, Barcelona, July 17 2011 [slides]
Dave Tompkins
Dynamic scoring functions with variable expressions: New SLS methods for solving SAT.
The Thirteenth International Conference on Satisfiability (SAT-10). Edinburgh, UK, 2010/07.
Ashiqur KhudaBukhsh
SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
Twenty-first International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), Pasadena (California, USA), 2009/07/17 [slides] .
Ashiqur KhudaBukhsh
SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
LCI forum, University of British Columbia, 2009/06/22 [slides] .
Ashiqur KhudaBukhsh
SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
M. Sc. thesis defense, University of British Columbia, 2009/01/20.