Automated Design of Heuristic Algorithms from Components

Refereed Contributions:

Identifying Key Algorithm Parameters and Instance Features using Forward Selection
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 7), 2013.
[satisfiability, TSP, MIP, automated configuration, empirical algorithmics]
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Automatically Configuring Algorithms for Scaling Performance
James Styles, Holger Hoos, and Martin Müller - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 6), pp. 205-219, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, performance scaling, TSP, MIP, computer Go, empirical algorithmics]
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Evaluating Component Solver Contributions to Portfolio-Based Algorithm Selectors
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2012), LNCS 7317, pp. 228-241, Springer, 2012.
[SATzilla, portfolio-based algorithm selection, performance evaluation, performance prediction, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Predicting Satisfiability at the Phase Transition
Lin Xu, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2012), pp. 284-290, 2012.
[3-SAT, propositional satisfiability, performance evaluation, performance prediction, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Parallel Algorithm Configuration
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 6), pp. 55-70, 2012.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, parallel computation, empirical algorithmics]
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Captain Jack: New Variable Selection Heuristics in Local Search for SAT
Dave A. D. Tompkins, Adrian Balint, and Holger H. Hoos - Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2011), LNCS 6695, pp. 302-316, Springer, 2011.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Sequential Model-Based Optimization for General Algorithm Configuration
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 5), LNCS 6683, pp. 507-523, Springer, 2011.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics, AI]
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HAL: A Framework for the Automated Design and Analysis of High-Performance Algorithms
Christopher Nell, Chris Fawcett, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION 5), LNCS 6683, pp. 600-615, Springer, 2011.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, empirical algorithmics]
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Bayesian Optimization With Censored Response Data
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - NIPS workshop on Bayesian Optimization, Experimental Design, and Bandits, pp. 1-5, 2011.
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Hydra-MIP: Automated Algorithm Configuration and Selection for Mixed Integer Programming
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos, and Kevin Leyton-Brown - RCRA workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion at IJCAI-11, pp. 16-30, 2011.
[MIP, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Hydra: Automatically Configuring Algorithms for Portfolio-Based Selection.
Lin Xu, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 24th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10), pp. 210-216, 2010.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Dynamic Scoring Functions with Variable Expressions: New SLS Methods for Solving SAT.
Dave A. D. Tompkins and Holger Hoos - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2010), LNCS 6185, pp. 278-292, Springer, 2010.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Tradeoffs in the Empirical Evaluation of Competing Algorithm Designs.
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI), Special Issue on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 2010.
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Automated Configuration of Mixed Integer Programming Solvers.
Frank Hutter, Holger Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 2010), LNCS 6140, pp. 186-202, Springer, 2010.
[MIP, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, OR, empirical algorithmics]
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Time-Bounded Sequential Parameter Optimization.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Kevin Murphy - Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization (LION4), LNCS 6073, pp. 281-298, Springer, 2010.
[parameter optimisation, Gaussian process models, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Sequential Model-Based Parameter Optimisation: an Experimental Investigation of Automated and Interactive Approaches.
Frank Hutter, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Kevin Murphy - Book chapter in Empirical Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms, editors Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Marco Chiarandini, Luis Paquete, and Mike Preuss; pages 361?411, Springer, to appear 2010. .

An Experimental Investigation of Model-Based Parameter Optimisation: SPO and Beyond.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Kevin Murphy - Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO'09), ACM, pp. 271-278, 2009.
[parameter optimisation, Gaussian process models, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Thomas Stützle - Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Volume 36, pp. 267-306, 2009.
[computer-aided algorithm design, algorithm configuration, parameter tuning, SAT, mixed integer programming, AI, empirical algorithmics]
(abstract and electronic version - Open Access; project page - includes software)

SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09), pp. 517-524, 2009.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Dynamic Local Search for SAT: Design, Insights and Analysis
Dave A. D. Tompkins - PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia. October 2010.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Automating the Configuration of Algorithms for Solving Hard Computational Problems.
Frank Hutter - Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia. October 2009.
[parameter optimisation, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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SATenstein: Automatically Building Local Search SAT Solvers From Components.
Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh - M. Sc. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia. October 2009.
[SAT, stochastic local search, computer-aided algorithm design, AI, empirical algorithmics]
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Non-refereed Contributions:

Algorithm Runtime Prediction: The State of the Art
Frank Hutter, Lin Xu, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Computing Research Repository - arXiv (abs/1211.0906), 2012.
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Auto-WEKA: Automated Selection and Hyper-Parameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms
Chris Thornton, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Computing Research Repository - arXiv (abs/1208.3719), 2012.
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SATzilla2012: Improved Algorithm Selection Based on Cost-sensitive Classification Models
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Jonathan Shen, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Solver description for the 2012 SAT challenge, 2012.
[SATzilla2012 won 3 first places, 2 second places and 1 third place in that competition]
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Adrian Balint, Andreas Fröhlich, Dave A. D. Tompkins, and Holger H. Hoos - Solver Description for the 2011 SAT Competition, 2011.
[Sparrow won 2 gold medals in that competition]
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SATzilla2009: an Automatic Algorithm Portfolio for SAT .
Lin Xu, Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos and Kevin Leyton-Brown - Solver description for the 2009 SAT competition, July 4 2009.
[SATzilla2009 won 3 gold and 2 silver medals in that competition]
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ParamILS: An Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework.
Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown and Thomas Stützle - UBC CS Technical Report TR-2009-01
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