DB Talks: Fall, 2009
(September - December)
Jian Xu
Fall 2009 DB-Talks :
DB-Talks is a weekly meeting for people in the DMM lab and those interested in database research to discuss
their current research, ideas and papers. It is scheduled everyThursday
in ICICS/CS 304 (We will skip some weeks for the department's DLS lectures)
We welcome everyone interested in database-related area come and join our discussions.
DMM lab members will present research papers and their current research in the meeting. We also hold short "Paper recommentdation" sessions
for each paticipator to recommend good research papers to other people in the room. The list of recommended papers is maintained in the following link.
The list of Recommended papers by DMM members
Please contact Jian Xu about the papers you want to recommend so we keep this list growing.
For talks, the title and relavent files will be published in this page around 3-5 before the talk. Check back and find out
what we will be discussing in the next db-talk!