Interaction Design Reading Group (IDRG)

What is the IDRG?

We are an informal reading group that meets once a week to discuss papers related to human-computer interaction (HCI).

How does it work?

We collectively decide on a theme we'd like to explore, and then individual members of the group select papers within that theme and lead the discussion on their chosen paper. Typically a theme lasts for 2 to 4 weeks and there is usually one reading per week. Each member is asked to bring at least one question about the paper to the meeting.

When and where do you meet?

Our meeting time for this term (Jan-April 2007) is every Monday from 3pm-4pm in x736.

How do I get involved?

Come to a meeting (see details above) and/or subscribe to the mailing list. New participants are always welcome. To subscribe, email with "subscribe idrg-l" in the body (not the subject line) of the message. You can always unsubscribe by emailing the same address with the command "unsubscribe idrg-l". The list email address is idrg-l at

Tips and Frequently Asked Questions New
Meeting Presenter Queue New


This term's meeting schedule and descriptions New
Descriptions of past meetings