Large screen displays are becoming more prevalent as their prices continue to
fall. For these large screens, the paradigm of one-user-per-display begins to
break down because there is adequate space and resolution for a variety of
simultaneous content. LACOME, the Large Collaborative Meeting Environment, is a
set of software tools that allow multiple users to simultaneously publish their
personal computer displays onto a large shared display using any VNC
server. Once published, windows or even full desktops can be moved, resized,
and iconified; optionally, they may even be controlled by other users. LACOME
is groupware: multiple users can interact with the shared display
simultaneously. Our work focuses on enhancing the stability and usability of
the LACOME system, which previously existed only as a rough, proof-of-concept
prototype. The LACOME Server was originally developed using C++ on Linux. To
simplify administration and provide cross-platform support, the LACOME Server
is ported to Java. A new engine provides performance-guaranteed rendering. The
secure transmission of VNC passwords is now supported using SSL, instead of
relying on default passwords. Interactive widgets such as an IP address display
and a ‘Return to Desktop’ button support usability. The LACOME Client has been
converted into a JavaTM Web Start application, eliminating the need for
installation or configuration by new users. Additionally, LACOME Client
settings now persist across usage sessions and a new feature, “Publish Me,”
automatically determines the user’s IP address to initiate a VNC connection. We
also develop a new window manipulation technique, the Large Screen Optimized
(LSO) technique, which features larger interaction handles. Clicking near the
edge of a window ‘snaps’ the cursor precisely to the edge of that window,
allowing a user to quickly place objects against the edges or corners of the
screen. The addition of an explicit mode switch to take control of the contents
of a window allows us to utilize the entire window area for manipulation and
provide a ‘zooming resize’ feature. An initial user study shows that users
preferred and were able to manipulate windows more quickly using the LSO
technique than with a more traditional technique.
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