We present MDSteer, a steerable MDS computation engine and
visualization tool that progressively computes an MDS layout and
handles datasets of over one million points. Our technique employs
hierarchical data structures and progressive layouts to allow the user
to steer the computation of the algorithm to the interesting areas of
the dataset. The algorithm iteratively alternates between a layout
stage in which a sub-selection of points are added to the set of
active points affected by the MDS iteration, and a binning stage which
increases the depth of the bin hierarchy and organizes the currently
unplaced points into separate spatial regions. This binning strategy
allows the user to select onscreen regions of the layout to focus the
MDS computation into the areas of the dataset that are assigned to the
selected bins. We show both real and common synthetic benchmark
datasets with dimensionalities ranging from 3 to 300 and cardinalities
of over one million points.
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Last modified: Wed Sep 20 19:10:49 PDT 2006