We demonstrate for the first time a proof of concept projector with
a secondary array of individually controllable, analog micromirrors
added to improve the contrast and peak brightness of conventional
projectors. The micromirrors reallocate the light of the projector
lamp from the dark parts towards the light parts of the image,
before it reaches the primary image modulator. Each element
of the analog micromirror array can be tipped/tilted to divert portions
of the light from the lamp in two dimensions. By directing these
mirrors on an image-dependent basis, we can increase both the peak
intensity of the projected image as well as its contrast.
In this paper, we describe and analyze the optical design for
projectors using this light reallocation approach. We also discuss
software algorithms to compute the best light reallocation pattern
for a given input image, using the constraints of real hardware. We
perform extensive simulations of this process to evaluate image
quality and performance characteristics of this process. Finally, we
present a first proof-of-concept implementation of this approach
using a prototype analog micromirror device.