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Design Pattern Rationale Graphs: Linking Design to Source
Elisa L.A. Baniassad, Gail C. Murphy, and Christa Schwanninger Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2003, to appear.
AbstractA developer attempting to evolve a system in which design patterns have been applied can benefit from knowing which code implements which design pattern. For instance, the developer may be able to understand the purpose, or to assess the flexibility of the code, more quickly. The degree to which the developer benefits depends upon their understanding of the pattern. Achieving an in-depth understanding of even a simple pattern can be difficult as pattern descriptions span several pages of text, and discuss interrelated design concepts and choices. To enable a developer to effectively trace the design goals associated with a pattern to and from source, we have developed the Design Pattern Rationale Graph (DPRG) approach and associated tool. A DPRG makes explicit the relationships between design concepts in a design pattern, provides a graphical representation of the design pattern text, and supports the linking of those concepts to implementing code. In this paper, we introduce the DPRG approach and tool, and present case studies to show that a DPRG can, at low-cost, help a developer identify design goals in a pattern, and can improve a developer's confidence about how those goals are realized in a code base. IEEE Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without permission of the copyright holder. |