System Requirements
The most recent version of JQuery (4.0 beta) was developed using Eclipse 3.3.
JQuery 4.0 is tested in both Eclipse 3.2 and Eclipse 3.3 (Europa). Consult the
documentation for more information on
Release Notes
July 28, 2008: JQuery 4.0.2b
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- user interface features:
- added support for hiding regular expression box
- disabled regular expression filter display by default
- added an "Open with JQuery" button to most Eclipse context menus (works great!)
- added JQuery Browser to Show In view menus
- added Save/Restore perspective!
- added JQuery supported syntax highlighting (through the ca.ubc.jquery.editor plugin)
- added a slightly more obvious error message to popup query edit dialog
- added error message to regular expression filter box
- added menu item to count query results
- added an option to the tree browser preferences to disable auto-complete for query editing
- backend and code changes:
- improved save state by moving more things into XML file instead of raw data files
- changed constructor names from to actual class names (more like Eclipse)
- improved API fact generator class
- refactoring rules files to make management more clear and make a distinction between
normal Java predicates and language independent predicates
- made smaller factbase the standard
- removed fourth parameter from file locations (not needed after a small tyruba mode definition change)
- added a fact generator which uses string integers instead of long strings for identifiers.
- added getIdentityQuery method to API (essentially just an equals(!this,?T) query)
- bug where node results weren't counted properly
- bug fixes:
- fix when changing resources caused view linking to be messed up
- fix concurrent modification exception when updating resource strategies
- bug fix which prevented linking to be restored properly for an XML defined view
- bug which caused views to appear linked even when they had no targets
- fix queries not being updated when an error occurs during editing
(it was always a little annoying when you work hard on a query, click Apply and then
lose your changes. This is now fixed)
April 29, 2008: JQuery 4.0.1b
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- User Interface:
- added preference page for UI information
- removed useless "max results" from tyruba preferences
- forced tree builder to diplsay ana error when query results exceeded the limit
- unselecting resources in the preferences now uninstalls the resource
- auto activation for query edit help (pressing , or ; triggers help)
- better package icon
- Bug fixes
- cancel query node didn't update results
- query result counter not counts properly
- crash using "Add to JQuery factbase" on a project with files with no extension
- preference pages work better
- recursive queries update properly
- views (outline, selection) displaying an error on start up
- quick views not selecting the element from editing context
- Several code changes
March 26, 2008: JQuery 4.0b
Major changes made to JQuery for this release (there have been countless minor changes/fixes):
- User interface improvements
- Multiple JQuery browsers
- Drag and drop support for browsers
- JQuery view to JQuery view linking.
- Editor to JQuery view linking
- Background jobs handle query execution/factbase updates
- Regular expression filter for every JQuery view
- Content assistant in edit query dialog
- Automated Working set creation
- Multiple item selection and querying in JQuery views
- Improved query filtering
- Query popup dialog to assist editing existing queries
- Tree node save/expand state saved and restored properly
- JQuery views interact with Eclipse views (ie. Declaration view, JavaDoc view)
- JQuery supports existing Eclipse operations (see the Eclipse... menu in the JQuery context menu)
- Backend improvements
- Migrated JQuery to a multi-plugin structure.
- Pluggable backend allows for different database implementations (see documentation for more details)
- Improved query rules (support for multiple types in a given query)
- Pluggable fact generators allows more factbase customization
- Improved definition file loading
- Support for multiple Tyruba backends
- JQuery/Eclipse Improvements
- JQuery support for the Eclipse JDT JavaModel
- Easier to use preference pages
- Support for Eclipse 3.3
- Several bug fixes and optimizations
30, 2007: JQuery 3.1.14
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Compiles/runs in Eclipse 3.2
- A number of smaller bug fixes and patches.
- Replaced TyRuBA engine with latest versions (which
has a number important bugfixes causing massive memory leaks).
- Added rudimentary support for Java annotations (this
is still preliminary and only partially supported, not all types of
annotations are recognized by the parser).
- Some changes to the preference pane:
- new preference: max # results JQuery displays pre
- parsing of dependent files now turned off by
default (saves memory).
7, 2006: JQuery 3.1.5
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Added minimal support for Java 1.5 (so that at least
doesn't crash on 1.5 code)
- Automatically loading dependent source or class files
into the database.
- Compile/Run under Eclipse 3.1
26, 2004: JQuery 3.1.3
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Bugfix: fixed a browser/database inconsistency which
sometimes resulted in multiple copies of a node being shown in the
26, 2004: JQuery 3.1.2
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Bugfix: insertion of error, bookmark, warning and
task facts.
26, 2004: JQuery 3.1.1
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Added support for parsing and querying Bookmarks,
Tasks, Errors, and Warnings.
- Minor changes to tyRuBa backend, also some
refactoring done to ease extension of the tool.
9, 2004: JQuery 3.1.0
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Improved factbase - queries run faster with less
memory overhead.
- Fact libraries give the ability to export facts and
use them later without reparsing.
- Class file parsing gives the ability to parse and run
queries on java bytecode.
22, 2004: JQuery 3.0.2
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
5, 2004: JQuery 3.0.1
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- This release is basically the same as the 3.0.0
release, except that it is Eclipse RC1 compatible.
- Removed use of some deprecated and invalid eclipse
5, 2004: JQuery 3.0.0
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Vitural Source Files allow the developer to view and
edit scattered code from one view.
- Query Here feature presents the
developer with an outline of the results of context specific queries.
16, 2003: JQuery_2_0_0b
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
Known issues
7, 2003: JQuery_1_9_6
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
4, 2003: JQuery_1_9_5
It's here. JQuery has been given a major overhaul,
and the first production version is finally available for download.
Much has changed in this new version, so please read the release notes
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
March 19, 2003
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Added facts about field accesses (reads and
writes). The queries "reads(?X,?field,?location)" and
"writes(?X,?field,?location)" are now available, where ?X is either a
type or a method, ?field is an accessed field, and ?location is the
place in the source where the field access takes place. Also included
are corresponding results-menu items: Reads/Read by, Writes/Written by,
and Accesses/Accessed by (indicating a read OR a write).
- A new "Sub-query" feature, which allows users to
queries against a selected node in the results tree, and have the
results of that query displayed as a sub-tree of the sselected node.
The query is written in the same manner as before, but the variable
"?THIS" is used in the query when referring to the selected item. When
the "Execute Sub-Query" button is pressed, the user is prompted to
provide a label for the resulting subtree. The "?THIS" variable may
also be used when running regular queries. This gives users the ability
to extract one or more nodes from the results tree and create a new
browser view from them.
- When saving queries to disk, the results tree
contents are now saved as well, and are restored upon re-opening the
- Added a new "Inverted Heirarchy" menu item for
finding a type's ancestors, and an "implements+(?Class,?Interface)"
which is true if either ?Class or one of ?Class's superclasses
implements ?Interface.
February 28, 2003
Changes made to JQuery for this release:
- Implemeted "incremental building". It used to
be that when your source files changed, a full rebuild of JQuery's
database had to be executed manually before queries could be made about
the updated code. This burden has been eliminated with incremental
building. JQuery now updates the rulebase automatically, and cuts down
on waiting time drastically by dealing only with the java files that
have changed since running the previous query. It also guarantees that
any query that is run will return results consistent with the current
state of the project. We believe this change makes the new JQuery much
more user-friendly than previous versions.
- Added a pop-up menu containing a list of basic
queries. Simply right-clicking anywhere in the text box and selecting a
query item from the list will paste the query text into the box. This
saves users from having to memorize the syntax of queries available to
them. The feature can also be used repeatedly as a tool to help build
more complex queries.
- Created a "Default Queries" mechanism, allowing
users to modify a list of pre-saved queries which are automatically
opened in separate tabs every time JQuery starts. Included in this
release are three such default queries: A basic package browser, a
class creations browser, and an interface implemenation browser. To add
or remove queries from this list, select "Default Queries Files..."
from the JQuery menu. Note that queries must first be saved before they
can be added as default queries.
- A mechanism for including your own Tyruba rules
(.rub) files has been added. To include your files, select "Rules
Files" from the JQuery menu. Select "Project Rules Files..." to use the
rules for the current project or "Global Rules Files" to use the rules
file with all projects in the workspace.
- The "Reload Project" and "Reload All Projects"
items now only set the rules files out of date, causing them to be
reloaded upon running the next query. This only needs to be done if
changes are made to a Tyruba rules file included as either a Project
Specific or Global Rules File. It is no longer necessary to manually
refresh JQuery after making changes to your code.
- A number of new results-menu queries have been
added, including queries for constructors and creators of classes,
inherited fields and methods, and type heirarchies.
- Note: Due to issues with the January 27 release,
has been made unavailable for download. Also note that the field access
query (described below) has not been implemented in the new release.
January 27, 2003
The following additions have been implemented:
November 14,
Several changes were made in this release:
November 5, 2002
This is the first public release and is still highly
experimental. The fact generation code underwent a major redesign in
this release. This redesign has made the queries run much faster and
provided the potential for a richer set of query terms. However, not
all the query terms have been re-implemented yet and there may still be
holes in the ones that are implemented (eg. the calls query
does not find calls to the default constructor). Also, incremental
updates of the fact base has not yet been implemented in the new
design. Facts for a project will be generated the first time a query is
run against that project. This may take a little while, but queries run
much, much faster this way. Use the "reload rules" button to generate
the rule base again after making changes to your code.
October 9, 2002
This is an early, experimental version which is
discussed in the paper "Navigating
and Querying Code Without Getting Lost".