Graphics Interface 2005Submission deadline approaching |
Last Call for Papers November 22 deadline for graphics track Graphics Interface 2005 May 9-11, 2005 Victoria, BC, Canada | ||||
Graphics Interface 2005 will take place in Victoria, British Columbia, May 9-11, 2005, in conjunction with the Computer and Robot Vision 2005 (CRV) and Artificial Intelligence 2005 (AI) conferences. GI2005 will be the 31st Graphics Interface conference and it is the oldest continuously scheduled conference in the field. This event consistently attracts high-quality papers on recent advances in interactive systems, human computer interaction, and graphics from around the world. All paper submissions are peer-reviewed as full-papers by two members of the program committee and at least three external reviewers, in a double-blind refereeing process. Accepted papers will be made available through the ACM Digital Library, in addition to the usual printed proceedings. Graphics Interface 2005 will have joint sessions for the graphics and HCI tracks. There will be separate but coordinated sub-committees for these two tracks. New this year are separate deadline dates for the graphics and HCI tracks in order to better accomodate the SIGGRAPH and SIGCHI submission and review cycles. For papers where the topic makes it unclear which deadline applies, please contact the program chairs. A single registration will permit attendees to attend any talk in the three conferences, which will be scheduled in parallel tracks. The conference will also include a banquet, and a posters/demos session. | ||||
Summary of Deadlines | ||||
Paper Submission: November 22, 2004 --- graphics-track papers | ||||
Keynote Speakers | ||||
| Holly Rushmeier, Yale University Bill Buxton, Buxton Design Ramesh Raskar, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) | |||
Program Committee | ||||
Kori Inkpen (HCI co-chair) | ||||
How To Submit A Paper | ||||
All papers will be peer-reviewed, and if accepted, will be
printed and Paper submissions are requested from all areas of HCI and
Graphics, | ||||
Graphics | ||||
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HCI | ||||
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Refereeing will be double-blind. Only the title, without any
indication of the author's identity, should be included on
submitted manuscripts. Authors' identities will be tracked by
the web-based submission system. Additional material (such as
movies) may also be uploaded during the submission process.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be emailed to the
contact author by the date noted above.
Accepted papers will be published in an archival-quality
proceedings directly from revised PDF files submitted by the
authors, using ahigh-resolution 2540dpi image setter and process
colour. The proceedings will be distributed by ACM and CIPS and
will be available through AK Peters. The
A.J. Sweeney Award will be awarded to the best student paper
at the conference. | ||||
Sponsored by the Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society |