Reading Room pic

ICICS/Computer Science Reading Room


Notice: The Reading Room will be closed from July 22 to August 5 (BC Day Holiday). Please plan ahead and sign out books including Course Reserve materials you will need during this period*. 

*Users granted 24-hour access can continue to use the Reading Room during this period.


The Reading Room currently has part-time, staffed opening hours.

What we offer

The ICICS/CS Reading Room provides dedicated, in-house information resources and assistance for the Department of Computer Science and the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems:


The ICICS/CS Reading Room currently has one part-time staff to help you:

  • Nobu Kawaguchi, Reading Room Coordinator 

Contact Us

Mailing address:

ICICS/Computer Science Reading Room
262 - 2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C.
V6T 1Z4


Our monthly newsletter [pdf] includes announcements, new books and new journals.

Our Facebook page and Instagram includes book reviews, stories, and event announcements.

news.pdf263.16 KB
openinghours.pdf60.86 KB