Frank Hutter

Postdoctoral Researcher, UBC

Assistant Professor, Freiburg University


I just moved back to Germany to start a new independent junior research group on learning, optimization, and automated algorithm design at the computer science department at Freiburg university through the DFG's Emmy Noether Programme. Here's my new website in Freiburg.

Before that, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Computer Science Department of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, working with Prof. Holger Hoos and Prof. Kevin Leyton-Brown. Below is the state of my website before I left.

Research Interests

Core research topic:

My research aims to improve our ability to solve hard computational problems of importance to society and industry, by automating core parts of the scientific design and analysis of algorithms for solving such problems.
I recently gave a Google tech talk on this topic; you can watch it on youtube.



I am a member of Computer Science Department of the University of British Columbia, specifically of the Laboratory for Computational Intelligence (LCI) and the Bioinformatics and Empirical & Theoretical Algorithmics Laboratory (BETA). I organize the Empirical Algorithmics Reading Group (EARG).

This year, I'm on the senior programme committee of IJCAI, and on the programme committees of AAAI CompSust, LION, GECCO, CocoMile, and AI. Here are the several workshops I co-organized over the past years:

For more information, please see my publication page and my academic CV (the CV is updated irregularly).