Ian M. Mitchell
Courses numbered 5xx are graduate level. Courses numbered 4xx and
below are undergraduate. A note to UBC students: as of the last time
I checked, you could count up to two courses from the other category
toward your degree (eg grad courses for undergraduates, ugrad courses
for grad students). Check with your advisor and the instructor for
permission. I am generally quite happy to have students take courses
at either level.
I try to keep the graduate course links live, but the undergraduate
course links for older courses may point to more recent offerings.
- 2023-2024:
- Spring: CPSC 103
- Fall: CPSC 203
- 2022-2023:
- 2021-2022:
- 2020-2021:
- 2019-2020:
- 2018-2019:
- 2017-2018:
- 2016-2017:
- 2015-2016:
- 2014-2015:
- 2013-2014:
Courses numbered 5xx are graduate level. Courses numbered 4xx and
below are undergraduate. A note to UBC students: as of the last time
I checked, you could count up to two courses from the other category
toward your degree (eg grad courses for undergraduates, ugrad courses
for grad students). Check with your advisor and the instructor for
permission. I am generally quite happy to have students take courses
at either level.
I try to keep the graduate course links live, but the undergraduate
course links for older courses may point to more recent offerings.
- 2020-2021:
- 2019-2020:
- 2018-2019:
- 2017-2018:
- 2016-2017:
- 2015-2016:
- 2014-2015:
- 2013-2014:
- 2012-2013:
- 2011-2012:
- 2010-2011:
- 2009-2010:
- 2008-2009:
- Spring: CPSC
303 Numerical Approximation and Discretization (in WebCT Vista).
Although I would prefer to make most of the website publicly visible,
because of Vista's limitations you will not be able to access the
website unless you are registered for the course. If you would like
to get an idea about what the course will cover without registering,
you can look at
the 2007-2008 web
page, which had very similar material.
- Fall: CPSC 513 Integrated Systems Design: Introduction to Formal Verification.
- 2007-2008:
- 2006-2007:
- 2005-2006:
- 2004-2005:
- 2003-2004:
Reproducible Research
My research agenda includes:
- Algorithms for designing and analyzing hybrid and embedded
- Level set algorithms for time-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi partial
differential equations (PDEs).
- Single pass (FMM, OUM) and sweeping algorithms for static
Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs.
- High quality, publically released implementations of these
- Application of these algorithms to path planning for autonomous
and semi-autonomous systems.
For those interested in experimenting with Level Set Methods for
solving time-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs, such as those that arise
in dynamic implicit surfaces and reachability, I have released:
I do not yet have any public code for direct approximation of
static (time-independent) Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs, such as those that
arise in robotic path planning. However, here are some slides
discussing the relationship between path planning and Hamilton-Jacobi
PDEs, various classes of algorithms for approximating the resulting
PDEs, and a few extensions on which I have worked:
Dynamic Programming Algorithms for
Planning and Robotics in Continuous Domains and the Hamilton-Jacobi
Equation. These slides were presented at
the Fast
Marching Method: Theoretical Underpinnings and Applications to
Robotics tutorial at IROS
Selected publications:
Many of my academic publications are available online.
Where permitted by the
publishers, I have provided links to self-archived post-prints (if
I have one) as well as the published versions (the latter usually
require subscriptions). If the paper you want is not hyperlinked or
if you are unable to access the publisher's web site, please email me
and I may be able to provide a copy by other means.
- "Data Logger Technologies for Powered Wheelchairs: A Scoping Review"
François Routhier, Josiane Lettre, William C. Miller, Jaimie F. Borisoff, Kate Keetch, Ian M. Mitchell and the CanWheel Research Team
Assistive Technology, published online (June, 2017).
- "A Formally Verified Safety System for Closed-Loop Anesthesia"
Mahdi Yousefi, Klaske van Heusden, Ian M. Mitchell, J. Mark Ansermino and Guy A. Dumont.
To appear in Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, (July, 2017).
- "Clinicians' and Researchers' Perspectives on Manual Wheelchair Data Loggers"
François Routhier, Josiane Lettre, William C. Miller, Jaimie F. Borisoff, Kate Keetch, Ian M. Mitchell and the CanWheel Research Team
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, volume 98, number 7, pp. 1480-1489 (July, 2017).
- "Output-Feedback Safety-Preserving Control" (accepted version)
Mahdi Yousefi, Klaske van Heusden, Ian M. Mitchell and Guy A. Dumont
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 2550-2555 (May, 2017).
- ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- Slides from the talk.
- "Intelligent Wheelchair Control Strategies for Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment: User Preferences, Attitudes and Needs"
Pooja Viswanathan, Ellen P. Zambalde, Geneviève Foley, Julianne L. Graham, Rosalie H. Wang, Bikram Adhikari, Alan K. Mackworth, Alex Mihailidis, William C. Miller, Ian M. Mitchell
Autonomous Robotics, volume 41, number 3, pp. 539-554 (March, 2017). Special issue on Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics.
- "Improved Action and Path Synthesis using Gradient Sampling" (accepted version)
Neil Traft and Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6016-6023 (December, 2016).
- "Ensuring Safety for Sampled Data Systems: An Efficient Algorithm for Filtering Potentially Unsafe Input Signals" (accepted version)
Ian M. Mitchell, Jeffrey Yeh, Forrest J. Laine and Claire J. Tomlin.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7431-7438 (December, 2016).
- ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- Slides from the talk at CDC.
- "Data logger technologies for manual wheelchairs: A Scoping Review"
François Routhier, Josiane Lettre, William C. Miller, Jaimie F. Borisoff, Kate Keetch, Ian M. Mitchell and the CanWheel Research Team
Assistive Technology, published online (November, 2016).
- "Model-Invariant Safety-Preserving Control" (accepted version)
Mahdi Yousefi, Klaske van Heusden, Guy A. Dumont, Ian M. Mitchell and J. Mark Ansermino.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp.6689-6694 (June, 2016).
- ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- "Guest Editorial: Special Section on Control and Automation from
the 2015 International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
Ian M. Mitchell, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Michael Branicky and Alexandre M. Bayen
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, volume 13, number 2, pp. 448-449 (April, 2016).
- ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- The published
version is available at IEEExplore.
- Special Section Table of Contents. Note that the special section consists of five papers spanning pp. 450-513.
- "A Summary of Recent Progress on Efficient Parametric Approximations of Viability and Discriminating Kernels" (accepted version)
Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Reachability Analysis Workshop (SNR), EPiC Series in Computing, volume 37, pp. 23-31 (December, 2015).
- "Scalable Safety-Preserving Robust Control Synthesis for Continuous-Time Linear Systems" (Extended version posted on arXiv)
Shahab Kaynama, Ian M. Mitchell, Meeko M. K. Oishi and Guy A. Dumont
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 60, number 11, pp. 3065-3070 (November, 2015).
- ©2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- The published
version is available at IEEExplore.
- "A scoping review of data logger technologies used with manual wheelchairs"
François Routhier, Josiane Lettre, Ian M. Mitchell, Jaimie Borisoff, William C. Miller
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (June, 2015).
- A full journal version of this work has been accepted to Assistive Technology in 2016 (see above).
- Rehab on Wheels: A Pilot Study of Tablet-Based Wheelchair Training for Older Adults (open access published version) (try this link if the DOI link is still broken)
Edward M. Giesbrecht, William C. Miller, Boyang Tom Jin, Ian M. Mitchell, Janice J. Eng
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies, 2(1):e3, 12 pages (April, 2015).
- "An Improved Algorithm for Robust Safety Analysis of Sampled Data Systems" (version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell and Shahab Kaynama.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control pp. 21-30 (April, 2015).
- A Telehealth Intervention Using Nintendo Wii Fit Balance Boards and iPads to Improve Walking in Older Adults With Lower Limb Amputation (Wii.n.Walk): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (open access published version)
Bita Imam, William C. Miller, Heather C. Finlayson, Janice J. Eng, Michael W.C. Payne, Tal Jarus, Charles H. Goldsmith, and Ian M. Mitchell
JMIR Research Protocols, volume 3, number 4, e80, 12 pages (December, 2014).
- Development of a Wheelchair Skills Home Program for Older Adults Using a Participatory Action Design Approach (open access published version)
Edward M. Giesbrecht, William C. Miller, Ian M. Mitchell, Roberta L. Woodgate
BioMed Research International special issue on Wheeled Mobility, article ID 172434, volume 2014, 13 pages (September, 2014).
- "A Risk Assessment Infrastructure for Powered Wheelchair Motion Commands without Full Sensor Coverage" (accepted
Pouria TalebiFard, Junaed Sattar and Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.3592-3597 (September, 2014).
- ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- A Wizard of Oz Intelligent Wheelchair Study with Cognitively Impaired Older Adults: Attitudes toward User Control.
Pooja Viswanathan, Julianne L. Bell, Rosalie H. Wang, Bikram Adhikari, Alan K. Mackworth, Alex Mihailidis, William C. Miller, Ian M. Mitchell
IROS Workshop on Assistive Robotics for Individuals with Disabilities: HRI Issues and Beyond (September, 2014).
- "METTA: A tablet-based
platform for monitored at home training as demonstrated through the
EPICWheelS wheelchair skills training program" (extended version
with figures)
Ian M. Mitchell, Boyang Tom Jin, Andy J. Kim,
Edward M. Giesbrecht and William C. Miller
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (June, 2014).
- "Mobisense:
Lifespace tracking and activity monitoring on mobile phones"
Ian Dewancker, Jaimie F. Borisoff, Boyang Tom Jin and Ian
M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (June, 2014).
- "Shared control policies for
safe wheelchair navigation of elderly adults with cognitive and
mobility impairments: Designing a Wizard of Oz study" (accepted
Ian M. Mitchell, Pooja Viswanathan, Bikram Adhikari, Eric Rothfels and
Alan K. Mackworth.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp.4087-4094 (June, 2014).
- ©2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- Conference talk.
- A PK/PD Model and Safety Constraints for Anesthesia Delivery.
Victor Gan, Guy A. Dumont and Ian M. Mitchell.
CPSWeek Workshop Applied Verification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (April, 2014).
- Best
practices for scientific computing (open access published
Greg Wilson, D. A. Aruliah, C. Titus Brown, Neil P. Chue Hong, Matt
Davis Richard T. Guy, Steven H. D. Haddock, Katy Huff, Ian
M. Mitchell, Mark Plumbley, Ben Waugh, Ethan P. White and Paul Wilson
PLOS Biology, 12(1): e1001745 (January, 2014).
- A preprint is available
at arXiv:1210:0530
(although you can get the published version for free, so I'm not sure
why you would want to look at the preprint).
- Feasibility of the Enhancing Participation In the Community by improving Wheelchair Skills (EPICWheelS) program: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (open access published version)
Edward M. Giesbrecht, William C. Miller, Janice J. Eng, Ian M. Mitchell, Roberta L. Woodgate, Charles H. Goldsmith
BMC Trials, volume 14, page 350 (October, 2013).
- "Lagrangian methods for approximating the viability kernel in high-dimensional systems" (author version accepted for publication)
John N. Maidens, Shahab Kaynama, Ian M. Mitchell, Meeko M. K. Oishi and Guy A. Dumont
Automatica, volume 49, issue 7, pp. 2017-2029 (July, 2013).
- "Safety Preserving Control Synthesis for Sampled Data Systems" (author version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell, Shahab Kaynama, Mo Chen and Meeko Oishi
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, volume 10, pp. 63-82 (November, 2013).
- "Reproducible Research for Scientific Computing: Tools and Strategies for Changing the Culture"
Randall J. LeVeque, Ian M. Mitchell and Victoria Stodden
Computing in Science and Engineering volume 14, number 4, pp. 13-17 (July-August 2012).
- The published version is available from several different
sources: IEEE
Xplore, IEEE
Computer Society or through
the American Institute of
Physics (although for some reason, the latter's DOI points to the
IEEE Xplore copy).
- IEEE allows posting of preprints, but my preprint of this article
is in an unreadable format. If you do not have access to the links
above, there may
be other places on
the web where you can find the article.
- "An Ordered Upwind Method with Precomputed Stencil and Monotone Node Acceptance for Solving Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations."
Ken Alton and Ian M. Mitchell
Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 51, number 2, pp. 313-348 (July, 2012).
- "Ensuring Safety of Nonlinear Sampled Data Systems through Reachability" (extended version)
Ian M. Mitchell, Mo Chen & Meeko Oishi.
Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (June, 2012).
- "Fixed-Complexity Piecewise Ellipsoidal Representation of the Continual Reachability Set based on Ellipsoidal Techniques" (accepted version)
Shahab Kaynama, Meeko Oishi, Ian M. Mitchell, Guy A. Dumont.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp.2425-2430 (June, 2012).
- ©2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy.
- Conference talk.
- "Computing the Viability Kernel Using
Maximal Reachable Sets" (version accepted for publication)
Shahab Kaynama, John Maidens, Meeko Oishi, Ian M. Mitchell, Guy A. Dumont.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control, pp. 55-64 (April 2012).
- The notice required by the ACM: ©ACM, 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in the Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation & Control (April 2012), doi: 10.1145/2185632.2185644.
- Slides
from the talk given by Shahab Kaynama at the conference.
- Code for computing
the examples
- "Efficient Dynamic Programming for Optimal Multi-Location Robot Rendezvous"
Ken Alton and Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2794-2799 (December, 2008).
- ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- To see the conference talk, visit Ken Alton's web page.
- "Fast Marching Methods for Stationary Hamilton-Jacobi Equations with Axis-Aligned Anisotropy"
Ken Alton and Ian M. Mitchell
SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, volume 47, number 1, pp. 363-385 (November, 2008).
- ©2008 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
- SIAM copy.
- "The Flexible, Extensible and Efficient Toolbox of Level Set Methods." (almost the version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell.
Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 35, numbers 2-3, pages 300-329 (June 2008).
- The only difference between the version linked above and the
version of the paper accepted for publication is that the version
linked above omits an appendix of tables containing the alpha-beta
parameters for the temporal integrator schemes from section 3.1.
Readers seeking those parameter values may find them in Spiteri &
Ruuth (citation [38]), the function odeCFLab in the code download
below, or in the Springer published version of this article.
- The published
version is available at SpringerLink.
- Code for the new features described in section 3: tarball or zipfile. Requires version 1.1
of the Toolbox of Level Set
- Slides for the
related talk, providing a brief overview of the features of the
Toolbox version 1.1 (paper sections 2.1 - 2.3 & 2.5), some internal
design patterns used for flexibility and efficiency (paper section
2.4), the new SSP RK integrators and a new motion by mean curvature
scheme (paper section 3). This talk was first given at the International Conference on Industrial
and Applied Mathematics 2007.
- "Level Set Methods for Computing Reachable Sets of Systems with Differential Algebraic Equation Dynamics"
Elizabeth Ann Cross and Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 2260-2265 (June, 2008).
- "Level Set Methods for Computing Reachable Sets of Hybrid Systems with Differential Algebraic Equation Dynamics" short paper (version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell and Yoshihiko Susuki.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 2008).
- "Invariance-Preserving Abstractions: Application to User-Interface Design"
Meeko M. K. Oishi, Ian M. Mitchell, Alexandre M. Bayen, and Claire J. Tomlin
IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, volume 16, number 2, pages 229-244 (March 2008).
- Unfortunately, I just discovered recently that this paper was not listed on my web page, and I don't appear to have an author preprint to post.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- Of course, there may be other places on the web where you can find the article.
- "Multiple Aircraft Deconflicted Path Planning with Weather Avoidance Constraints"
Jessica J. Pannequin, Alexandre M. Bayen, Ian M. Mitchell, Hoam Chung & Shankar Sastry
Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (August 2007).
- Unfortunately, AIAA does not appear to permit self-archiving. It looks like copies can be ordered from AIAA's publications web site, but my institution does not subscribe so I cannot verify that fact. If you are a member of AIAA, lobby them to allow self-archiving.
- Of course, there may be other places on the web where you can find the article.
- "Comparing Forward & Backward Reachability as Tools for Safety Analysis." (version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 2007).
- Appeared in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) 4416, pp. 428-443.
- The published version is available at SpringerLink.
- Slides (3.4 MB) from the talk
given at the conference.
- The technical report version TR-2006-23 contains all the proofs, plus several additional examples.
- "Aircraft Autolander Safety Analysis Through Optimal Control-Based Reach Set Computation"
Alexandre M. Bayen, Ian M. Mitchell, Meeko M. K. Oishi and Claire J. Tomlin
AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics, volume 30, number 1, pages 68-77 (January-February 2007).
- Unfortunately, AIAA does not appear to permit self-archiving. If you are a member of AIAA, lobby them to allow self-archiving.
- AIAA Version.
- Of course, there may be other places on the web where you can find the article.
- "Computing Viable Sets and Reachable Sets to Design Feedback Linearizing Control Laws Under Saturation"
Meeko Oishi, Ian Mitchell, Claire Tomlin and Patrick Saint-Pierre.
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 3801-3807 (December, 2006).
- ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- "Optimal Path Planning under Different Norms in Continuous State Spaces."
Ken Alton and Ian M. Mitchell.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 866-872 (May, 2006).
- ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- "Control Synthesis for State Constrained Systems and Obstacle Problems."
Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Ian M. Mitchell and Pravin Varaiya.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, volume 128, number 3, pages 499-521 (March, 2006).
- "Online Safety Calculations for Glideslope Recapture"
Jonathan Sprinkle, Aaron D. Ames, J. Mikael Eklund, Ian M. Mitchell and Shankar S. Sastry
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, volume 1, number 2, pp. 157-175 (July 2005).
- "A Time-Dependent Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation of Reachable Sets for Continuous Dynamic Games."
Ian M. Mitchell, Alexandre M. Bayen and Claire J. Tomlin.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 50, number 7, pages 947-957 (July 2005).
- ©2005 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- "A Toolbox of Hamilton-Jacobi Solvers for Analysis of Nondeterministic Continuous and Hybrid Systems." (version accepted for publication)
Ian M. Mitchell and Jeremy A. Templeton.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (March 2005).
- Appeared in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) 3414, pp.480-494.
- The published version is available at SpringerLink.
- Slides (3.5 MB) from the talk
given at the conference.
- Figure 1(b) on p. 486 was supposed to contain an image with a
square target set. Contrary to the text, the time to reach function
for the circular target set that actually appeared is continuous (but
not Lipschitz continuous). The time to reach function for the square
target set (shown on p. 11 of the slides) is discontinuous and corresponds
to the text. Both versions can be produced with the example codes below.
- Examples from section 3 (Cost to Go) are included as part of the
Toolbox of Level Set
Methods version 1.1.
- Examples from sections 4 (Stochastic Continuous Systems) and 5
(Stochastic Hybrid Systems) are available as a separate
download. These codes also require version 1.1
- "Control Synthesis for State Constrained Systems and Obstacle Problems."
Alexander B. Kurzhanski, Ian M. Mitchell & Pravin Varaiya.
Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (September 2004).
- "Overapproximating Reachable Sets by Hamilton-Jacobi Projections." (version accepted for publication)
Ian Mitchell and Claire Tomlin.
Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 19, number 1-3, pages 323-346 (December 2003).
- "Continuous Path Planning with Multiple Constraints."
Ian M. Mitchell and Shankar Sastry.
Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 5502-5507 (December 2003).
- ©2003 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- An extended version is available as UC Berkeley Engineering Research Laboratory Technical Report UCB/ERL M03/34 (August 2003). Note that the equations in the appendix for T1 - T4, condition (5) and Pi(x0) are incorrect. See the Alton & Mitchell SINUM article listed above for a correct treatment of the fast marching method in alternative norms.
- "A Differential Game Formulation of Alert Levels in ETMS Data for High Altitude Traffic."
Alexandre Bayen, Shriram Santhanam, Ian Mitchell and Claire Tomlin.
Proceedings of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference (August 2003).
- Unfortunately, AIAA does not appear to permit self-archiving. It looks like copies can be ordered from AIAA's publications web site, but my institution does not subscribe so I cannot verify that fact. If you are a member of AIAA, lobby them to allow self-archiving.
- Of course, there may be other places on the web where you can find the article.
- "Computational Techniques for the Verification of Hybrid Systems."
Claire Tomlin, Ian Mitchell, Alexandre Bayen and Meeko Oishi.
Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 91, number 7, pages 986-1001 (July 2003).
- ©2003 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- The proof of the correctness of this formulation of reachable sets (at least for continuous systems) appears in Mitchell, Bayen & Tomlin, IEEE TAC 2005.
- "Hybrid Verification of an Interface for an Automatic Landing."
Meeko Oishi, Ian Mitchell, Alexandre Bayen, Claire Tomlin and Asaf Degani.
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1607-1613 (December, 2002).
- ©2002 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.
- IEEE Xplore copy
- "A Hybrid Particle Level Set Method for Improved Interface Capturing" (early draft)
Douglas Enright, Ronald Fedkiw, Joel Ferziger and Ian Mitchell.
Journal of Computational Physics, volume 183, number 1, pp. 83-116 (November, 2002).
- "Validating a Hamilton-Jacobi Approximation to Hybrid System Reachable Sets."
Ian Mitchell, Alexandre Bayen and Claire Tomlin.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 2001).
- "Level Set Methods for Computation in Hybrid Systems."
Ian Mitchell and Claire Tomlin.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 2000).
- "Reachability Analysis Using Polygonal Projections."
Mark Greenstreet and Ian Mitchell.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 1999).
- "Integrating Projections."
Mark Greenstreet and Ian Mitchell.
Hybrid Systems Computation and Control (April 1998).
Technical Reports and Other Publications
Here are some talks I have given which do not directly correspond to
research publications.
Local Research Groups:
Conferences and Workshops:
Useful Stuff:
- Creating high-quality graphics in Matlab for Papers and Presentations, a blog post from Tamara Kolda and David Gleich.
- Walking Randomly:
A Month of Math Software blog, full of neat links and observations
about tools for scientific computing.
- A collection of Matlab resources, with emphasis on links that can help beginners.
- The U.K. SHERPA RoMEO project, which collected and compares the publisher copyright policies for many technical societies and publishing houses.
- Many of the publishers that I deal with have quite reasonable self-archiving policies which permit authors to post some version of their papers; however, the details vary and can be quite specific. This project summarizes the policies and has links to the actual wording, which can be quite useful if you want to keep your website legal.
- For example, among the publishers that I have used, ACM, Elsevier, IEEE, SIAM, and Springer Verlag (including Kluwer) all get RoMEO green designations (the most author friendly designation). But remember to read the details of the publishers' policies before posting any copyrighted information.
- Authors: Support the publishers with liberal policies. Lobby the other publishers to follow suit. Government sponsored academic research is done for the common good, and while the publishers must support their editorial staff, they should not be permitted to govern all access to our results for eternity, thereby locking out those who cannot afford expensive subscription fees.
- SIAM has a web site and brochure
about careers in applied mathematics, of which scientific computing is
a huge component.
- Proceedings for Hybrid Systems Computation and Control: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998
Postdoctoral Work
Doctoral Work
Created 19 August 2003.
Last updated 07 June 2019.
Created and maintained by Ian M. Mitchell.