AI resources on the net
The following pointers are of interest to those studying AI.
The first are general pointers, and the second are more specialized pointers.
Within these categories they are in no particular order.
General AI resources
NRC's AI resources. Comprehensive source on info about what is on the web about AI. FAQ AI newsgroup frequently asked questions
AI Virtual Library. Lots of AI pointers.
CMU AI repository. Repository for many AI programs.
Online Journals
The following two journals have papers freely available:
Journal of AI Research. This is a well-respected top-quality AI journal.
ETAI. Electronic Transactions on
Artificial Intelligence. This is newer and contains online
discusion of articles.
Alternatively, you can get a more complete list of
AI Journals (most
of which the commercial publishers won't let you freely download and print).
More Specialized Pages
Uncertainty in AI. UAI conferences, people, products, etc.
Reasoning about Actions. People and research groups interested in action.
Constraints. Also,
constraint researchers and archive
Learning Resources. A huge list of ML related links. See also
ML Resources
Programming. Comprehensive information including Prolog.
Lingustics. The ACL home page.
Intelligent software agents. Pointers to info on softbots, infobots, babybots, etc
Computer Science Bibliographies (or
The Computer Science Research Index.
CSCSI. Canadian AI
Society, including articles from the Canadian AI Magazine
Last updated 12 June 98 - David Poole
If you know any good resources missing from here let us know.