Source: NEJM -
SPECIFIC QUESTION: What method of revascularization is better?
CABG or PTCA? and does it depend on any patient characteristics?
PAPER CONCLUSIONS: As compared with CABG, an initial strategy of PTCA
did not significantly compromise five-year survival in patients with multivessel
disease, although subsequent revascularization was required more often
with this strategy. For treated diabetics, five-year survival was significantly
better after CABG than after PTCA. (N Engl J Med 1996;335:217-25.)
- The goal of the experiment was to compare two alternative methods of
revascularization, CABG and PTCA. Five-year clinical outcome was compared
for different (non mutually exclusive) aggregates of the patients. The
difference was significant only for patients with treated history of diabetes.
- The second chart shows the comparison excluding patients with treated
history of diabetes. The general idea is to find out whether the positive
effect of CABG for patients with treated history of diabetes was contrasting
possible positive effects of PTCA for other patient aggregates (remember
that the aggregates are not mutually exclusive).