CPSC 502 - Winter 2011 - Artificial Intelligence I

TR 9:30-11:00     Room: DMP 201 

First Class Thur Sept 8  - Last Class Thu Dec 2

Instructor: Giuseppe Carenini

Office: CICSR #129     Phone: 822-5109     Email: carenini at cs.ubc.ca

    Giuseppe's Office Hours: Thurs 11-12

Teaching Assistant: Shafiq Joty  Email: rjoty at cs.ubc.ca

    Shafiq's Office Hours: Tues - Thurs 1-2pm (in ICICS 144 - west wing)

Course Description

This course is designed to be a "breadth" introduction to artificial intelligence. It will make a broad coverage of modern AI. It is suitable for those with no AI background , or with only one undergraduate course in AI (or Machine Learning). It is designed for computer science students, but is also suitable for cognitive science or engineering students or those with some familiarity with algorithms, complexity, logic, probability....


Readings, Grading, Syllabus, Assignments, Software&Data
Discussion Forum (Piazza)
Readings: what to do
Final Essay