Jessica Bosch

Since January 2021, I have been working as Educational Technologist at Arts ISIT. My current personal website is here.

I am a former Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow at UBC’s Department of Computer Science. My research areas were numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis, and the numerical solution of phase field models. In particular, I was interested in iterative solvers for linear systems, saddle point problems, and preconditioning techniques. I was teaching CPSC 302: Numerical Computation for Algebraic Problems and CPSC 303: Numerical Approximation and Discretization. I also joined the Teaching and Learning Fellows Development Series at UBC, where we discussed evidence informed teaching practice, how students learn, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

I have a PhD in Mathematics specializing in Numerical Linear Algebra from the Otto von Guericke University / Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany. In summer 2018, I was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for my PhD thesis on the development of fast and robust solvers for phase field problems from many application areas.