Home Page for Kellogg Booth
current photo
Photo of me on a good day
    Kellogg S. Booth
Professor Emeritus, Department of Computer Science
a.k.a. the Rev. Prof. Dr. Dr. Kellogg S. Booth

BS (mathematics), Caltech (1968)
MA (computer science), UC Berkeley (1970)
DMph (metaphysics)1, Universal Life Church (1974) add to your shopping cart
PhD (computer science), UC Berkeley (1975)

Contact Information
Biographical Information
Teaching Activities
   I am retired and thus no longer involved with teaching in any way.
this instead of contacting me about the unmdergraduate CPSC 491 UBC/MDM Practicum course.
Research Activities
   I am retired and thus no longer involved with research supervision in any way.
   Read this instead of contacting me about undergraduate internships
   Read this instead of contacting me about admission to a graduate program
   Read this instead of contacting me about postdoctoral positions

Pick Hits
Errata for my research publications.

A number of people have gotten mad at me for coining the term "cybercrud," which I define as "putting things over on people using computers." But as long as it goes on we'll need the word. At every corner of our society, people are issuing pronouncements and making other people do things and saying it's because of the computer. The function of cybercrud is thus to confuse, intimidate or pressure. We have all got to get wise to this if it is going to be curtailed.
-- Ted Nelson in his must-read book from 1974, Computer Lib (page 8).
    more favorite quotes...

Department of Computer Science
201-2366 Main Mall
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC  V6T 1Z4 CANADA

Room X461
ICICS/CS Building
2366 Main Mall (directions)

604-822-3061 (reception)
604-822-5485 (fax)

Web: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~ksbooth (you are here now)
Web: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/people/kellogg-booth

2 (the same as my Knuth number). I do not have a Bacon number, so my Erdös-Bacon number is not defined. Contact me with a cash offer to co-author a paper with you if you desire an Erdös number of 3.

CV (pdf)  |  Google Scholar  |  ACM DL (free access to my ACM papers)
ORCID  |  Pedigree (my oldest known academic ancestor is Nathaniel Bowditch)
The cornerstone of UBC's faculty retention plan is its CV format. -- Dinesh Pai





Way Back

ULC diploma
Official diploma attesting to my first doctoral degree, from the Universal Life Church
Aliso Creek
Hitting the spot! -- photo taken Summer of 1948 near Aliso Creek in Laguna Beach, CA
Seton Lake
69 years and counting -- photo taken Summer of 2015 at Seton Lake, BC

Biographical Information

Kellogg S. Booth is Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at The University of British Columbia and a former Adjunct Faculty Member at the Centre for Digital Media. He is the former Director (1990-2002) of MAGIC, the Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre at the University of British Columbia, and the former Scientific Director (2009-2015) of GRAND, the Graphics, Animation and New Media NCE, a former Canada-wide network of centres of excellence in digital media. He served as a Board Member and Secretary for the Computer Science Canada / Informatique Canada from 2017-2019. He has worked in the fields of computer graphics and human-computer interaction since 1968. Prior to UBC, he was a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo (1977-1990), and before that a staff member at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1968-1976). Research interests include human-computer interaction, user interface design, collaboration technology, visualization, computer graphics, and analysis of algorithms. He has been involved in a number of interdisciplinary research projects at UBC and elsewhere over the past five decades.

(Alternate biographical information is available here.)

Teaching Activities

I am retired, so I do not have regular undergraduate or graduate teaching duties.

Thirty years ago my thoughts on being a university professor teaching computer graphics were included in the ACM SIGGRAPH Career Handbook (pages 58-60). I still feel the same about teaching even though I am no longer involved.

Research Activities

How to Find the Best Research Topics Every Time (It's Genius!)
Funding agencies hate when you do this (but they can't stop you)

I am retired, so I no longer have regular research or student supervision activities.

Almost all of my recent research has been in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) including the following:

A list of previous dissertation/thesis topics that I have supervised in the past will give a snapshot of the range of my interests. I am not currently starting any new reseaerch initiatives or projects. My research is limited to finishing existing projects for which I have funding. (I am retired!)

Selected research initiatives in which I have been involved include the following2:

A fairly complete list of my publications and summary of research activity is contained in my CV. There is also a list of some of my publications that are available (for free) in the ACM DL. This list is updated periodically. For a more complete list, you can look at my ACM DL home page.

Pick Hits

These are some links2 that I have found interesting or fun, but some (such as the first three) have serious content.

Favorite Quotes

1 Comedian Steve Martin said that he once read that earning your second million dollars was a lot easier than earning your first million dollars, so he decided he would earn his second million first and then maybe not bother with the first million if it was going to be harder. I figured that probably applied to doctorates as well, so I got my second doctorate (in Metaphysics) first, from the Universal Life Church, by sending them $20. It didn't make my first doctorate that I got second, from Berkeley, any easier. (A nice summary of computer science at Berkeley was written by me doctoral advisor, Richard Karp.)

2 Links go stale over time, so there is no guarantee that all of the links on this page still work. If you see any that are broken, please let me know and I will try to fix them.

3 Papers submitted to conferences or journals usually are sent to multiple experts in the field, each of whom writes an anonymous review. Often the reviewers are referred to by the editor as R1, R2, R3, etc. It often seems that the best reviews come first and then the more negative reviews follow. This video is a parody of many authors' experiences of getting positive reviews from R1 and R2 but then seeing a very negative review from R3.


Why the Pepsi logos on this web page, you ask? Good question!

Source file: index.shtml
Last modified: Wednesday, 26-Feb-2025 11:54:34 PST
More information: ksbooth@cs.ubc.ca
Disclaimer: No animals were abused or mistreated during the production of this Web page. May contain traces of peanuts. Your mileage will vary. Taxes and shipping not included. Void where prohibited by law. Passports, driver's licenses, and birth certificates not accepted for voting; gun owner permits OK.
Apology: My disclaimer pales in comparison to Doug Dyment's disclaimer.