Computer Science 525: Image Understanding II

Instructor: David Lowe
January-April 2014.


Course time and location

Times: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 3:30-4:45pm
Room: Dempster 101

Course content

This is a second-semester course on computer vision that covers some of the latest research in this rapidly developing field. The list of topics and readings is given in the following list:
Course outline and reading list



This is the second course in a two-semester squence. You must have taken CPSC 505 (Image Understanding I) prior to taking CPSC 525. Familiarity with Matlab or Python will be needed to complete the homework assignments.

Requirements and Evaluation

There will be two initial programming assignments. In addition, each student will be expected to complete an individual research project in some area of computer vision. A written project proposal will be required midway through the course as well as a final written project report. Each student will also give a final project presentation to the class.

Grading will be weighted roughly as follows: 25% homeworks; 10% class participation, 20% project proposal; 45% final project report.

Useful links

A Brief Introduction to Matlab for Computer Vision. A quick list of Matlab commands to review.
The Computer Vision Industry. This is a page that I maintain to show current commercial applications of computer vision and to provide links to company home pages.
Google Scholar is a citation index that provides links to online versions of most papers and shows which other papers cite them.
UBC Library. Don't forget that there are still many papers, including key historical references, that need to be physically obtained from the library.
Visual illusions. Collection of many visual illusions with pointers to papers that explain the causes.