The analysis of data (DNA microarrays, music, images, video, financial records, web
logs, medical records, software, computer game logs, motion capture in graphics) is an important frontier in computer
science. This frontier is expanding vastly thanks to new developments in
storage devices and the world-wide web. This course will teach the basic
principles and skills required for analysing data: finding patterns,
dimensionality reduction, clustering, classification and prediction.
Time: Mon Wed Fri 16:00-17:00
Location: Geography 200
Instructor: Nando de Freitas (nando at cs)
Nando's Office hours: W 2:00-3:30 (cicsr 183).
TAs: Rita Sharma ( rsharma at cs) and Hendrik Kueck ( kueck
at cs).
Rita's TA hours: Th 1:00-2:00pm (cicsr 235)
Text book:
The elements of Statistical Learning.
Other books
Pattern Classification.
Principles of Data Mining.
Modeling the Internet and the Web.
Assignments: 20%
Midterm 1: 30%. Oct 22.
Final: 50%
There will also be a special research project for advanced students.
The instructor has the right to change the marking scheme under
reasonable circumstances.
Assignments will involve both written and matlab programming problems.
The handin box is located in the CICSR/CS building (basement floor).
All assignments are due on the specified time. 20% off for each day late.
Assignments will not be accepted after 5 days late.