Probabilistic Machine Learning Contents
Introduction to machine learning
What do we mean by learning
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Active learning
- Examples
- Multimedia databases
- Robotics
- Statistical machine translation
- Bio-informatics
- Probabilistic expert systems
- Computer graphics
- Computer games
Introduction to probabilistic modelling
Probabilistic graphical models
- Learning discrete and Gaussian models
- Frequentist approach
- Maximum likelihood
- Minimax risk
- Bayesian approach
- Conjugate analysis
- Objective/subjective priors
- Bayes risk
- Exponential families and sufficient statistics
Linear regression
- Least-mean-squares algorithm
- Bias/variance trade-off
- Least squares
- Ridge regression
- Bayesian regression
- Shrinkage and subset selection
- Examples
Linear classification
- Discriminative models
- Generative models
- Generalised linear models
- Examples
Basis expansions
- Radial basis networks
- Logistic "neural" networks
- Kernel machines
- Regularisation
- Examples: graphics and robotics
Constrained optimisation
Support vector machines
- Large margin classifiers
- Mercer's theorem
- Slack variables
- Examples: hand-written digit recognition.
Unsupervised learning I
- K-means
- Nearest neighbour
- Vector quantisation
- Self-organising maps
- Hierarchical clustering
- Examples: dimensionality reduction and image compression.
Unsupervised learning II
- Principal component analysis (PCA)
- Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS)
- Independent component analysis (ICA)
- Latent semantic indexing (LSI)
- Normalised cuts
- Examples: information retrieval and image segmentation.
Mixture models and the EM algorithm
- Theory and algorithms
- Examples: multimedia databases, machine translation and data association
Factor analysis
Hidden Markov models (HMMs)
- Theory and EM algorithms
- Viterbi
- Examples: speech and bio-informatics
Kalman filtering and smoothing
- Tracking
- Parameter estimation
Particle filtering
Monte Carlo methods
Markov chains
Metropolis and Gibbs algorithms
Monte Carlo optimisation
Variational methods
Time permitting
- Bagging and boosting
- Hypothesis testing
- Model selection
- Information theory and learning
- Belief propagation
- Computational learning theory