CPSC 532E – Readings

Primary Text:

Colin Ware.  Information Visualization

Other readings will be either articles or extracts from other books.  These will be available on-line, or hardcopies will be available in the Computer Science Reading Room for photocopying.  (Please do not take these copies – other people will also need them!)

Recommended Text:

Stephen E. Palmer.  Vision Science.

Other Books:

Robert R.H. Anholt.  Dazzle ‘Em with Style: The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation.

Stuart K. Card, Jock D. Mackinlay, Ben Shneiderman.  Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think.


Edward H. Adelson,  Lightness Perception and Lightness Illusions

James T. Enns and Ronald A. Rensink, Influence of Scene-based Properties on Visual Search.  Science, 247: 721-723 (1990).

George W. Furnas, Effective View Navigation.  In Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think.  Card, Mackinlay, and Shneiderman, eds. (1999).  pp. 589-596.

Melvyn A. Goodale and A. David Milner, Separate Visual Pathways for Perception and Action.  Trends in NeuroScience, 15: 20-25. (1992)

Melvyn A. Goodale and Angela Haffenden, Frames of Reference for Perception and Action in the Human Visual System. NeuroScience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 22: 161-172. (1998)

Jason Harrison.  Planning a Scientific Presentation. http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~harrison/PowerPoint/Scientific-Presentation-Planning.pdf

Christopher G. Healy, Choosing Effective Colours for Data Visualization.  In Proceedings IEEE Visualization '96 (San Francisco, California, 1996), pp. 263-270. [download]

Benjamin Kuipers, The “Map in the Head” Metaphor.  Environment and Behavior, 14: 202-220.

Geniva Liu, Christopher G. Healey, and James T. Enns.  Target detection and localization in visual search: A dual systems perspective.  To appear in Perception & Psychophysics.  [download file]

Ronald A. Rensink and James T. Enns, Preemption Effects in Visual Search: Evidence for Low-Level Grouping.  Psychological Review, 102: 101-130 (1995).

Ronald A. Rensink and James T. Enns, Early Completion of Occluded Objects.  Vision Research, 38: 2489-2505 (1998).

Ronald A. Rensink, J. Kevin O'Regan, and James J. Clark (1997). To See or Not to See: The Need for Attention to Perceive Changes in Scenes.  Psychological Science, 8:368-373. [download]

(Also see http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~rensink/flicker/index.html)

Daniel J. Simons, Christopher Chabris, Gorillas in Our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness for Dynamic Events.  Perception, 1999, volume 28, pages 1059-1074 [download]

Anne Treisman and Steven Gormican, Feature Analysis in Early Vision: Evidence from Search Asymmetries.  Psychological Review, 95 :15-48. (1988).

Jeremy Wolfe, The Parallel Guidance of Visual Attention.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1: 124-128 (1992).


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