Cats and Crafts

Taking care of a cat

Hi I'm Adilyn and this is my part of this website I will give information on everything you need to know about taking care of cats or kittens; from breeds of consideration to feeding your cat. Stick on this page and figure out what you need to know!

Preparing for a cat

Kitty Items

Before getting a new fuzzy friend you may consider getting a few things the kitty needs! For starters you should buy food and water bowls, a collar, a tag, toys , and maybe even a comfy kitty bed


Consider having a clean home for your new furry friend. Remember, keep your pet indoors for at least two weeks so it will get used to it's new home.Provide your pet with fresh food and water, and a few toys to play with .Make sure to give your cat attention when it wants it! Put on it's collar so if it gets lost, someone can read the address give it back to you, the rightful owner.


If your friend doesn't "do it's business" outside you may consider getting a litter box filled with kitty litter.Remember to teach your kitty how to use a litter box if it doesn't know how. After eating or sleeping for two hours, put your cat in the litter box. If it tries to escape put it back in. Teach your cat that this is a scratching place by scratching a stick in it. If your cat poops, reward it by giving a treat so it will know that it did the right thing. Then teach it how to cover the poop by gently scratching it's front paws in the litter. Clean the box every evening with a special scoop and gloves.After cleaning make sure to wash your hands. Clean the whole box once a week with warm water and soap.

Shh!Sweet Dreams

Place the cat's bed somewhere warm and quiet. Cats like to be a bit elevated so a windowsill is a good place for a cat bed. A basket or maybe a box with an old blanket may make a good bed. You can maybe put a pillow in it if you want. But your little friend won't stay there for long. Later on it will sleep wherever it pleases. For example, it might want to sleep on a couch or with you in your bed.

Picking your perfect furry friend

You will love almost every cat in sight because there are tons of adorable breeds! But there are certain precautions in cat choosing.

Stay Cute and Cuddly

When choosing a kitten, you should look for the one that comes up to you like it's saying "Hello!" A very lively kitten, who's very curious,will look after itself much better.Also remember: Don't bring home a kitten if it is less than 6 weeks old.

What do you want in your cat?

There are several questions you should ask yourself on what you want your cat to be like. Such as:

-Do you want your cat to have kittens?

-Do you mind if your cat gets into fights?

-Do you want a female cat or a male cat?

Questions To Ask The Person You're Buying Your Cat From

When buying a cat there are many things you would probably want to know. For girl cats you would ask:

-Has she had an operation to prevent her from having kittens?

In general you should ask:

-Has this cat been dewormed?

-Has this cat been neutered?

These are medical things that you should probably know about your cat.

Girl Cat,Boy Cat

Boy cats,or tom cats,like to roam around and they often get into fights.They "mark their territory"by spraying a smelly liquid around.So if you are planning to get a male cat,be aware of that.If you are going to purchase a girl cat,try to find out if she has had an operation to prevent her from having kittens.

Where To Get A Cat?

There are many different breeds of cats.If you want a particular breed,you may consider purchasing it from a breeder. Research the breeder first!Make sure it is not a person who is illegaly breeding cats!One of the best places to find cats are at an animal shelter.They provide lots of different cats and can tell you about each cat's history and personality.

Clean is Perfect

Look at your new cat carefully.Make sure that its eyes,nose and ears are clean.Carefully look in its mouth at its teeth and gums.Look at its coat and even under its tail to make sure that it is not dirty.

Kitty Food!

If you have a kitten or a grown up cat,the right food will keep your furry feline in tip-top kitty perfection.

Menu Please!I'm starving!

While your cat is a kitten,you should feed it at least 4 meals a day.Feeding your kitten high-quality commercial cat food will keep your cat healthy.As your kitten grows older you can feed it as little as 3-2 meals a day.You can also give your cat vegetables,corned beef liver or fish.But too much dairy may make it sick.Your vet can also recommend a certain brand. Remember,food and water bowls should be located where your cat can find them.

A Special Treat

Cats enjoy receiving a special treat from time to time.To keep your cat interested in its food,switch brands regularly.This method also prevents picky eaters.You can also add bits of bread and vegetables to your cats food so your cat won't get bored of eating the same thing all the time.

Favourite Foods

Labels on cans or packages of cat food provides how much you should feed your cat.There may be some foods your cat may not like, so soon you will know what food to buy.

Your cat may eat grass but that is okay.It likes the taste.It will throw-up afterward but that doesn't mean your cat will get sick from eating grass.Since cats don't have 4 stomachs like cows, their digestive system can't break down the vegetation and they have to "let it out". Some scientists think that this cleans out their digestive system of fur balls and inedible parts of their prey.If your cat is going to eat grass make sure it does not have toxic pesticides in it.


Different Types Of Food

If you know what kind of food your cat or kitten ate before you got it,don't change it.Don't leave canned food out in a dish for more than an hour.Dry food can be good for the cat's teeth and can stay in a bowl all day.Semi-moist cat food can be less healthy than canned or dry cat food.