Cats and Crafts


The Siamese originated from Siam, which is now known as Thailand. The Siamese is one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America. Weather it's the Modern or Traditional, the Siamese is a truly elegent breed.


There are two types of Siamese, The Modern and the Traditional. The Modern Siamese has a sleek body. The Traditional Siamese has a apple-shaped head and a rounded body.

All Siamese cats are born white and develop their color points as they grow older. The Siamese cat has several color points, on their head, feet, face, and tail. Their points come in Red point, Lynx point, Tortise-Shell point, Sel point, Blue point, Chocolate point, Lilac point, and Tortie point. All Siamese cats have beautiful blue eyes that comes in different shades.


Siamese cats are very intelligent and affectionate. They are known to be very vocal with a very loud voice. Siamese cats are very active and playful throughout their lifespan. The Siamese is more dog-like then other breeds.


The Siamese can live 10-13.5 years. They can suffer from gingivitis, so it is important to keep track of their oral health. Sometimes a Siamese can be born cross-eyed, which is a trait of the breed that has been bred out. However, the Siamese is generally good in health.


Watch this Cats 101 video for more info on this breed.


Tybet Sapphire Siamese Azorez Cattery LaChrista Cattery

