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Trouble Shooting guide for sony_disc(_control)

Common setup errors:

There are three main things which must be done in order to run sony_disc and sony_disc_control.
  1. Make sure that lucille's serial port is connected to the serial port on the LVR. (This is on the front of Maybelline, next to the LVR itself, on the right.) If this is not connected the process just hangs.

  2. The LVR must be in 'REMOTE' mode. This switch is on the upper right of the LVR. If the LVR is not in REMOTE sony_disc will run but won't do anything. sony_disc_control will complain and give the following error:
      lvr_do laser video recorder utility
    No Disk is Inserted or not in remote mode!!
  3. Finally a disc must be loaded. If one isn't the results are the same as in case two.

No picture getting to the LVR?

  • Make sure that the monitor is set to CMPTR as its source. This can be done by pressing the CONTROL button on the monitor to light up the panel and then pressing CMPTR.
  • Ensure that the vlicmd for configuring the framebuffer has been called correctly for the type of display you desire. If you aren't sure, use the default vlicmd init. The video control commands live in /usr/video/vli/bin on lucille.
    Please mail any comments or questions to:

    Marcello Lioy: or