SequenceJuxtaposer Readme James Slack Kristian Hildebrand Tamara Munzner University of British Columbia {jslack,hilde,tmm} Katerine St. John City University of New York January 11, 2004 1 What is SequenceJuxtaposer? 2 Loading FASTA files 3 Searching for motifs 3.1 Keyboard input 3.2 Mouse input 3.3 Mouse navigating 3.3.1 Bounding box resizing 3.3.2 Site resizing 4 Resizing an area of interest 5 Changing colors of groups and sites 6 Differences 1 What is SequenceJuxtaposer? Sequence Juxtaposer is a flexible tool used to explore a set of sequences. It provides an immediate view of a set of sequences that a user can navigate through with a few clicks of a mouse. 2 Loading FASTA files A FASTA file (DNA, RNA, or other protein sequence) can be loaded into SequenceJuxtaposer as long as it is aligned. That is, all sequences that are loaded must have identical length; gaps may be inserted as well to provide alignment. A FASTA file is either passed into SequenceJuxtaposer as a command-line argument as follows: java -jar sj.jar fastaFile.fa or SequenceJuxtaposer can be started and a file can be loaded using the graphical interface: java -jar sj.jar 3 Searching for motifs You may search for a motif in a few ways: Keyboard input, Mouse input, and Mouse navigating. 3.1 Keyboard input If the motif you are searching for is very short (i.e. start codon) it may by typed into the search box at the bottom of the display screen. Pressing enter after typing your search (or clicking the search button) will perform a search in the data. All locations of your input motif will be highlighted with a magenta box if there aren't too many results (i.e. searching for a single base pair character may not be displayed in very large data sets). Please see the section of this document entitled "Resizing the found group" for another useful tool related to the search motif. 3.2 Mouse input If you know the position of a motif in a loaded sequence, select the motif using a mouse by clicking at the start of the motif and dragging to the end, releasing the mouse when you are at the other end of the motif. This action copies the motif to the search box and highlights the other locations of the selected motif in the loaded sequences. The text in the search box can now be modified and a new search can be performed with small changes. A motif that is too long to fully display will be truncated; you may edit a small range of base pairs at the start and/or end of a large motif. 3.3 Mouse navigating Motif searching can also be achieved without using the previously mentioned searching techniques; simple navigation is possible if you know where you would like to explore spatially. There are two possible methods for interactive resizing: bounding box resizing and base pair site resizing. 3.3.1 Bounding box resizing By pressing the Control (Ctrl) key and dragging a box around a subset of base pair sites and a subset of sequences, not releasing the Ctrl key but releasing the mouse, and using the mouse to drag the box larger, you may stretch the region in the box to any size you want. This also resizes the areas outside the box accordingly. Navigation with the mouse in this manner is a very powerful tool for "growing" or "shrinking" a selection of base pair sites across sequences. 3.3.2 Site resizing By pressing the Shift key and dragging the mouse, a single site may be stretched larger. This action also resizes the rest of the view (sequences and sites) accordingly. Navaigation with the mouse with this feature is similar to the previous Bounding box resizing method with a single base pair site, but doesn't require a bounding box to be defined. 4 Resizing an area of interest Using the "Groups" panel, you can resize different groups. The resizing can either make the selected group "smaller" by shrinking each member horizontally or "bigger" by growing each member horizontally. The groups that can be resized this way are indicated by radio buttons in the "Groups" panel. They include: gaps, search results, and differences. 5 Changing colors of groups and sites The color of a group (base pair sites, gaps, differences, searched for results) can be changed through the "Groups" panel by clicking on the color swatch. 6 Differences Differences in aligned sequences are computed at run-time. They may be turned off in the "Groups" panel. This group is intended to be a guide in sets of very similar sequences as even the smallest differences can be found in large data sets due to SequenceJuxtaposer's guarantee of groups always being visible.