1995 Papers
A. Csinger, K. S. Booth, D. Poole,
AI Meets Authoring: User Models for Intelligent Multimedia. Artificial Intelligence Review, special issue on user modelling, 8, 447-468, 1995.
Julia A. Johnson and Richard S. Rosenberg,
A Data Management Strategy for Transportable Natural Language Interfaces. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10, pp. 771- 808, 1995.
James J. Little and Jeff Boyd, Describing Motion for Recognition (IEEE
Symposium on Computer Vision, Coral Gables, Florida, November, 1995,
pp. 235--240)
J.J. Little, D.G. Lowe, A.K. Mackworth, D.K. Pai, and R.J. Woodham,
Constraint-based visual robotic systems. First World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing, pp. 668-677, Mayaguez PR, February 1995.
David G. Lowe,
Similarity metric learning for a variable-kernel classifier. Neural Computation, 7, 1, pp. 72-85.(January 1995).
Jping Lu and Jim Little, Reflectance and Shape from Image Sequence of
a Rotating Object (Vision Interface, 95)
Jping Lu and Jim Little, Reflectance Function Estimation and Shape
Recovery from Image Sequence of a Rotating Object (Intl. Conf. on
Computer Vision, 95)
James J. Little ?? Constraint-Based Visual Robotic Systems (ICIMS 95)
D. Poole, Logic Programming for Robot Control. Proc. Fourteenth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ,
(IJCAI-95), Montreal, August 150-157, 1995.
D. Poole,
Exploiting the Rule Structure for Decision Making within the Independent Choice Logic. Proceedings of the Eleventh Conference on Uncertainty in AI, Montreal, August 454-463, 1995.
D. Poole,
Sensing and Acting in the Independent Choice Logic. Working Notes AAAI Spring Symposium 1995 -- Extending Theories of Actions: Formal Theory and Practical Applications, Stanford, March 163-168, 1995.
R. Qi and D. Poole,
A New Method for Influence Diagram Evaluation. Computational Intelligence , 11(3), 498-528, 1995.
Michael K. Sahota, Alan K. Mackworth, Stewart J. Kingdon and Rod
A. Barman, Real-time Control of Soccer-playing Robots using Off-board
Vision: The Dynamite Testbed. Systems, Man, Cybernetics, 1995.
K. van den Doel and D. K. Pai, Performance Measures for Constrained Systems. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation,13(2), pp. 278--289, 1995. pdf
Ying Zhang and Alan K. Mackworth,
Specification and Verification of Hybrid Dynamic Systems with Timed Forall-automata. Verification and Control of Hybrid Systems, to appear in LNCS , 1995.
Ying Zhang and Alan K. Mackworth, Constraint Nets: A Semantic Model
for Hybrid Dynamic Systems. Journal of Theoretical Computer
Science, Special Issue on Hybrid Systems , Vol. 138, No. 1,
p.211--239, 1995. pdf