1997 Papers
U. M. Ascher, D. K. Pai and B. Cloutier,,
Forward Dynamics, Elimination Methods, and Formulation Stiffness in Robot Simulation. International Journal of Robotics Research, 16:6, pp. 749--758, December 1997.
Jeffrey S. Beis and David G. Lowe,
Shape indexing using approximate nearest-neighbour search in high-dimensional spaces. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 1000-1006, Puerto Rico, 1997.
Jeff Boyd and James J. Little, Global versus Structured Interpretation
of Motion: Moving Light Displays (Non-rigid and Articulated Motion
Workshop, CVPR-97)
C. Boutilier, R. Brafman, C. Geib and D. Poole, A Constraint-Based
Approach to Preference Elicitation and Decision Making. AAAI
Spring Symposium on Qualitative Decision Theory, Stanford,, March
1 1997.
C. Jennings, D. Murray, V. Tucakov, J. Little, Spinoza: Visually
Guided Mobile Robot. Mobile Robot demonstration. IEEE conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Puerto Rico, 17-19
June 1997.
John E. Lloyd and Dinesh K. Pai, Extracting Robotic Part-mating
Programs from Operator Interaction. presented at ISER, 1997.
John E. Lloyd, Jeffrey S. Beis, Dinesh K. Pai, David G. Lowe,
Model-based Telerobotics with Vision. presented at ICRA, 1997.
D. Murray, C. Jennings,
Stereo vision based mapping and navigation for mobile robots. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, NM, 20-25 April 1997.
D. K. Pai and L.-M. Reissell,
Haptic Interaction with Multiresolution Image Curves. Computers and Graphics, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 405-411, July/August 1997.
D. Poole,
Probabilistic Partial Evaluation: Exploiting rule structure in probabilistic inference. Proc. Fifteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI-97), pp. 1284-1291. Nagoya, Japan, August 1997.
D. Poole,
Multi-agent actions under uncertainty: situation caclulus, discrete time, plans and policies. Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change, Nagoya, Japan, August 1997, pp. 139-158. 1997.
D. Poole,
The Independent Choice Logic for modelling multiple agents under uncertainty. Artificial Intelligence, special issue on economic principles of multi-agent systems, pages 7-56, 1997.
Y. Shi and D. K. Pai,
Haptic Display of Visual Images. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium (VRAIS '97), Albuquerque, NM, pp. 188--191, March 1997.
A. Siebert,
Dynamic Region Growing. Vision Interface '97, Kelowna, 1997.
V. Tucakov, M. Sahota, D. Murray, A. Mackworth, J. Little, S. Kingdon,
C. Jennings, R. Barman, Spinoza: A Stereoscopic Visually Guided Mobile
Robot. In Proceedings of 30th Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences, (HICSS-30), Volume 5, 1997.
Vladimir Tucakov and David G. Lowe,
Temporally coherent stereo: improving performance through knowledge of motion. International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Albuquerque, NM April 1997.