Start Year 2004 The creation of tools to support hapticians in the design process. SPIN People Hasti Seifi Oliver Schneider Mario Enriquez Paul Bucci Matthew Chun Hannah Elbaggari Preeti Vyas Unma Desai Steve Yohanan M.J. Shaver Colin Swindells Karin Yamakawa Nao Rojas Salma Kashani Publications Seifi H., Fazlollahi, F., Oppermann, M., Sastrillo, J.A., Ip, J., Agrawal, A., Park, G., Kuchenbecker, K.J., MacLean, K.E.. "Haptipedia: Accelerating Haptic Device Discovery to Support Interaction and Engineering Design." CHI, 2019. Enriquez, M. J., MacLean, K. E. (2003). "The Hapticon Editor: A Tool in Support of Haptic Communication Research." in Proc of the 11th Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, IEEE-VR2003, Los Angeles, CA, 2 Marino, D., Bucci, P., Schneider, O. S., MacLean, K. E. "Voodle: Vocal Doodling to Sketch Affective Robot Motion." In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems. Nao Rojas, Daniel Chen, Rubia Reis Guerra, X. Laura Cang, Bereket Guta, Karon E. MacLean "A Tool for Capturing Customized Multi-Pass Emotion Self-Reports while Touching and Telling" Demo at Worldhaptics, 2023 Schneider, O., Israr, A., and MacLean, K.E., “Tactile Animation by Direct Manipulation of Grid Displays,” in Proc. of Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), Charlotte, NC, 2015. Schneider, O., and MacLean, K. E. “Reflections on a WYFIWIF Tool for Eliciting User Feedback,” in CHI Workshops - Tactile UX. Toronto, CAN: ACM, 2014, pp. 5 pages. Schneider, O. and MacLean, K. E., “Studying Design Process and Example Use with Macaron, a Web-based Vibrotactile Effect Editor,” in Proc. of HAPTICS Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, 2016. Schneider, O. S., Seifi, H., Kashani, S., Chun, M., & MacLean, K. E. (2016, May). "HapTurk: Crowdsourcing Affective Ratings of Vibrotactile Icons." In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 3248-3260). ACM. Seifi, H., Anthonypillai, C., and MacLean, K.E., “End-user Customization of Affective Tactile Messages: A Qualitative Examination of Tool Parameters,” in Proc. of IEEE Haptic Symposium (HAPTICS '14), Houston, pp. 251 - 256, 2014. Seifi, H., Chun, M., & MacLean, K. E.. "Towards Affective Handles for Tuning Vibrations." ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 15(3 (Article 22), 2019. pgs. 1-12. Seifi, H., Zhang, K., and MacLean, K.E., “VibViz: Organizing, visualizing and navigating vibration libraries,” in Proc. of IEEE WorldHaptics (WHC'15), Chicago, pp. 6 pages, 2015. Seifi, H., & MacLean, K. E. 2017. "Exploiting haptic facets: Users' sensemaking schemas as a path to design and personalization of experience." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 107, 38-61. Shakeri, H., Elbaggari, H., Bucci, P., Xiao, R., and MacLean, K.E.. “FoldMold: Automating Papercraft for Fast DIY Casting of Scalable Curved Shapes,” in Proc. Graphics Interface, 2021, pp. 10. Shaver, M.J., "The Twiddler: A Haptic Teaching Tool: Low-Cost Communication and Mechanical Design", M.Eng. Thesis, UBC, 2003. Swindells, C., MacLean, K. E., Booth, K. S., Meitner, M. (2006). "A Case-Study of Affect Measurement Tools for Physical User Interface Design." in Proc of Graphics Interface, Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, GI'06, Quebec City, Canada. Swindells, C., Maksakov, E., MacLean, K. E., Chung, V. (2006). "The Role of Prototyping Tools for Haptic Behavior Design." in Proc of 14th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, VR'06, Alexandria VA, March 2006. Preeti Vyas, Unma Mayur Desai, Karin Yamakawa, and Karon Maclean. "A Descriptive Analysis of a Formative Decade of Research in Affective Haptic System Design", in Proc. 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23). Yohanan, S., MacLean, K. E. (2009). "A Tool to Study Affect Touch: Goals & Design of the Haptic Creature." In Proc of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09), Works in Progress, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp 4153-4158, April 2009 Introducing GaitLib: a library for real-time gait analysis in smartphones