Full citation
Haraty, M., Tam, D., Haddad, S., McGrenere, J. and Tang, C., "Individual Differences in Personal Task Management: A Field Study in an Academic Setting." In Proceedings of the Graphics Interface (GI) 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30.
A plethora of electronic personal task management (e-PTM) tools
have been designed to help individuals manage their tasks. There
is a lack of evidence, however, on the extent to which these tools
actually help. In addition, previous research has reported that ePTM tools have low adoption rates. To understand the reasons for
such poor adoption and to gain insight into individual differences
in PTM, we conducted a focus group with 7 participants followed
by a field study with 12 participants, both in an academic setting.
This paper describes different behaviors involved in managing
everyday tasks. Based on the similarities and differences in
individuals’ PTM behaviors, we identify three types of users:
adopters, make-doers, and do-it-yourselfers. Grounded in our
findings, we offer design guidelines for personalized PTM tools,
which can serve the different types of users and their behaviors.
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