Sensory Perception & Interaction Research Group

University of British Columbia

Sherry Yuan

Year Departed: 

Andrew Moore

Andrew is a senior Undergraduate finishing his BSc majoring in Cognitive Systems. His interest in cognition and haptics led him to the SPIN lab where he is currently working with Laura Cang and Paul Bucci as part of the EEG team. 

Year Departed: 

Daniel Yuxiang Huang

Yuxiang Huang is a senior undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering, and a minor in Statistics. He joined the SPIN Lab as a volunteer with interests in haptics and user experience research. 
He is currently working with Soheil Kianzad on the Handheld Haptic Technology project. 
Year Departed: 

Bryan Lee

Bryan graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. With a strong interest to learn more about the field of Human Computer Interaction, he joined the SPIN Lab as a volunteer.

He is currently working with Laura Cang and Paul Bucci on the "Sensing and Machine Recognition of Interactive Affective Touch" project.

Year Departed: 

Sophy Chu

Sophy is a undergraduate student double majoring in Cognitive Systems (Linguistics) and German. She is interested in language, perception, cognition, multimodal integration and how humans navigate through a world with technology.
She is currently working with David Marino and Hannah Elbaggari on the Haptic Speech Project, supervised by Karon MacLean and Bryan Gick.
Year Departed: 

Diego Icaza

Mexican Cognitive Systems student looking to expand his understanding of 3D modeling by building robots.

Year Departed: 

Aiden Smith

Aiden Smith is a third-year student pursuing a major in Computer Science and Physics. He is currently volunteering at the lab to work on using twisted-strand actuators to produce organic motion.

Year Departed: 

Zefan Sramek

Zefan Sramek is a graduate of the Integrated Engineering program at the University of British Columbia. He is interested in technology for enhancing collaboration, virtual reality, and human realtionships with technology.

He is currently working on a project with Laura Cang and Paul Bucci to create a model of emotional transitions using EEG. 

Year Departed: 

Lena Podina

Lena is a third year Honours Computer Science student. She is doing a USRA this summer, and is working on the Magic Pen with Soheil Kianzad and his supervisor Prof. Karon MacLean.

Year Departed: 

Jessica Ip

Jessica holds a bachelor's degree in Cognitive Systems from UBC. At SPIN, she has worked on the Haptipedia project alongside Dr. Hasti Seifi, Ashutosh Agrawal, John Sastrillo, and the MPI-IS team in the department of Haptic Intelligence.

Year Departed: