Submission ID: 00608
Processed: 20-06-01. Download link: sid-00608-sift2k_2048_hardnet64-train-all-l2-138000-matched.json
This page ranks the submission against all others using the same number of keypoints, regardless of descriptor size. Please hover over table headers for descriptions on metrics and full scene names.
- Authors: Ximin Zheng, Sheng He, Hualong Shi (contact)
- Keypoint: sift2k
- Descriptor: hardnet64-train-all-l2-138000-matched (128 float32: 512 bytes)
- Number of features: 2048
- Summary: SIFT with 2048 keypoints(scale 12), hardnet64 with 128 descriptors(trained with l2 loss and step 138000), FLANN disabled, custom matches
- Paper: N/A
- Website: N/A
- Origin: Submission
- Flags: is_submission, is_challenge_2020
Phototourism / Stereo track
mAA at 10 degrees: 0.49219 (±0.00000 over 3 run(s) / ±0.15294 over 9 scenes)
Rank (per category): 14 (of 108)
Scene | Features | Matches (matcher) |
Matches (filter) |
Matches (final) |
Rep. @ 3 px. | MS @ 3 px. | mAA(5o) | mAA(10o) |
bm | 2048.0 | — | — | 432.8 | 0.477 Rank: 26/108 |
0.922 Rank: 48/108 |
0.14935 (±0.00000) Rank: 54/108 |
0.24884 (±0.00000) Rank: 54/108 |
fcs | 2048.0 | — | — | 254.2 | 0.308 Rank: 47/108 |
0.909 Rank: 7/108 |
0.55651 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/108 |
0.68170 (±0.00000) Rank: 16/108 |
lms | 2048.0 | — | — | 163.6 | 0.308 Rank: 97/108 |
0.669 Rank: 72/108 |
0.43462 (±0.00000) Rank: 34/108 |
0.56339 (±0.00000) Rank: 34/108 |
lb | 2048.0 | — | — | 217.1 | 0.373 Rank: 24/108 |
0.768 Rank: 5/108 |
0.50759 (±0.00000) Rank: 54/108 |
0.60242 (±0.00000) Rank: 4/108 |
mc | 2048.0 | — | — | 287.3 | 0.389 Rank: 30/108 |
0.946 Rank: 3/108 |
0.39131 (±0.00000) Rank: 54/108 |
0.53829 (±0.00000) Rank: 3/108 |
mr | 2040.8 | — | — | 215.7 | 0.291 Rank: 98/108 |
0.961 Rank: 5/108 |
0.27515 (±0.00000) Rank: 5/108 |
0.37609 (±0.00000) Rank: 5/108 |
psm | 2048.0 | — | — | 126.6 | 0.272 Rank: 95/108 |
0.497 Rank: 32/108 |
0.13562 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/108 |
0.24237 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/108 |
sf | 2048.0 | — | — | 248.4 | 0.340 Rank: 43/108 |
0.852 Rank: 5/108 |
0.41981 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/108 |
0.55940 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/108 |
spc | 2046.2 | — | — | 262.9 | 0.358 Rank: 31/108 |
0.881 Rank: 1/108 |
0.45489 (±0.00000) Rank: 11/108 |
0.61718 (±0.00000) Rank: 12/108 |
avg | 2047.0 | — | — | 245.4 | 0.346 Rank: 46/108 |
0.823 Rank: 6/108 |
0.36943 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/108 |
0.49219 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/108 |
We show the inliers that survive the robust estimation loop (i.e. RANSAC), or those supplied with the submission if using custom matches, and use the depth estimates to determine whether they are correct. We draw matches above a 5-pixel error threshold in red, and those below are color-coded by their error, from 0 (green) to 5 pixels (yellow). Matches for which we do not have depth estimates are drawn in blue. Please note that the depth maps are estimates and may contain errors.
— british museum —
— florence cathedral side —
— lincoln memorial statue —
— london bridge —
— milan cathedral —
— mount rushmore —
— piazza san marco —
— sagrada familia —
— saint paul's cathedral —
Phototourism / Multiview track
mAA at 10 degrees: 0.70020 (±0.00213 over 3 run(s) / ±0.14296 over 9 scenes)
Rank (per category): 20 (of 108)
Scene | Features | Matches (input) |
RegistrationRatio (%) | Number of Landmarks |
Track Length | ATE | mAA(50) | mAA(100) |
bm | 2048.0 | 434.04 | 99.87 Rank: 20/108 |
2046.98 Rank: 13/108 |
5.823 Rank: 13/108 |
0.56236 Rank: 31/108 |
0.36510 (±0.00163) Rank: 39/108 |
0.52373 (±0.00222) Rank: 34/108 |
fcs | 2048.0 | 266.98 | 98.73 Rank: 4/108 |
2119.68 Rank: 28/108 |
4.625 Rank: 21/108 |
0.23470 Rank: 9/108 |
0.73978 (±0.00705) Rank: 14/108 |
0.80797 (±0.00765) Rank: 7/108 |
lms | 2048.0 | 177.29 | 97.14 Rank: 82/108 |
1679.60 Rank: 43/108 |
4.480 Rank: 82/108 |
0.27942 Rank: 9/108 |
0.76295 (±0.00476) Rank: 44/108 |
0.82879 (±0.00774) Rank: 54/108 |
lb | 2048.0 | 267.17 | 98.61 Rank: 20/108 |
1870.45 Rank: 19/108 |
4.946 Rank: 23/108 |
0.48450 Rank: 15/108 |
0.74494 (±0.00500) Rank: 4/108 |
0.82842 (±0.00429) Rank: 4/108 |
mc | 2048.0 | 279.92 | 99.79 Rank: 23/108 |
2099.59 Rank: 14/108 |
4.826 Rank: 22/108 |
0.33671 Rank: 5/108 |
0.56804 (±0.00222) Rank: 1/108 |
0.70350 (±0.00233) Rank: 5/108 |
mr | 2040.8 | 214.33 | 92.18 Rank: 49/108 |
1954.86 Rank: 18/108 |
4.049 Rank: 52/108 |
0.51541 Rank: 9/108 |
0.39907 (±0.00492) Rank: 10/108 |
0.51304 (±0.00891) Rank: 11/108 |
psm | 2048.0 | 123.57 | 90.05 Rank: 32/108 |
1817.49 Rank: 34/108 |
3.213 Rank: 33/108 |
0.59770 Rank: 30/108 |
0.39242 (±0.00856) Rank: 27/108 |
0.48105 (±0.00940) Rank: 27/108 |
sf | 2048.0 | 247.48 | 97.15 Rank: 36/108 |
2082.36 Rank: 29/108 |
4.694 Rank: 24/108 |
0.31139 Rank: 19/108 |
0.68276 (±0.00291) Rank: 39/108 |
0.77562 (±0.00263) Rank: 38/108 |
spc | 2046.2 | 269.57 | 100.00 Rank: 1/108 |
2188.57 Rank: 15/108 |
4.807 Rank: 19/108 |
0.46667 Rank: 25/108 |
0.74436 (±0.00108) Rank: 7/108 |
0.83965 (±0.00120) Rank: 6/108 |
avg | 2047.0 | 253.37 | 97.06 Rank: 33/108 |
1984.40 Rank: 22/108 |
4.607 Rank: 22/108 |
0.42098 Rank: 19/108 |
0.59994 (±0.00162) Rank: 17/108 |
0.70020 (±0.00213) Rank: 20/108 |
In the multi-view track we reconstruct the scene with Structure-from-Motion (Colmap) with small sets of images. We show the results for one bag of 25 images (displaying: 10). Keypoints are drawn in blue if they are part of the model, and in red otherwise.
— british museum —
— florence cathedral side —
— lincoln memorial statue —
— london bridge —
— milan cathedral —
— mount rushmore —
— piazza san marco —
— sagrada familia —
— saint paul's cathedral —