Submission ID: ebe6dd58
Processed: 21-05-31. Download link: ebe6dd5854491407-530json.json
This page ranks the submission against all others using the same number of keypoints, regardless of descriptor size. Please hover over table headers for descriptions on metrics and full scene names.
- Phototourism dataset: Stereo track / Multiview track
- Prague Parks dataset: Stereo track / Multiview track
- Google Urban dataset: Stereo track / Multiview track
- Authors: Megvii 3D (contact)
- Keypoint: mss
- Descriptor: mss (512 float32: 2048 bytes)
- Number of features: 2048
- Summary: mss_scale
- Paper: N/A
- Website: N/A
- Processing date: 21-05-31
Phototourism dataset / Stereo track
mAA at 10 degrees: 0.58630 (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.13604 over 9 scenes)
Rank (per category): 19 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (raw) |
Matches (final) |
Rep. @ 3 px. | MS @ 3 px. | mAA(5o) | mAA(10o) |
BM | 2048.0 | — | 454.8 | 0.468 Rank: 43/87 |
0.880 Rank: 60/87 |
0.34363 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
0.49826 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
FCS | 2048.0 | — | 572.8 | 0.418 Rank: 17/87 |
0.855 Rank: 55/87 |
0.65512 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
0.77074 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
LMS | 2048.0 | — | 624.8 | 0.450 Rank: 19/87 |
0.670 Rank: 61/87 |
0.63835 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
0.76085 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
LB | 2048.0 | — | 459.6 | 0.406 Rank: 27/87 |
0.672 Rank: 67/87 |
0.49515 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
0.61143 (±0.00000) Rank: 17/87 |
MC | 2048.0 | — | 481.2 | 0.428 Rank: 35/87 |
0.842 Rank: 67/87 |
0.34601 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
0.50021 (±0.00000) Rank: 33/87 |
MR | 2048.0 | — | 497.5 | 0.425 Rank: 43/87 |
0.886 Rank: 49/87 |
0.28642 (±0.00000) Rank: 11/87 |
0.40363 (±0.00000) Rank: 9/87 |
PSM | 2048.0 | — | 485.4 | 0.340 Rank: 37/87 |
0.587 Rank: 48/87 |
0.23532 (±0.00000) Rank: 30/87 |
0.39059 (±0.00000) Rank: 31/87 |
SF | 2048.0 | — | 555.2 | 0.377 Rank: 32/87 |
0.769 Rank: 62/87 |
0.50982 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
0.65556 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
SPC | 2048.0 | — | 464.4 | 0.385 Rank: 45/87 |
0.780 Rank: 62/87 |
0.52380 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/87 |
0.68541 (±0.00000) Rank: 20/87 |
Avg | 2048.0 | — | 510.6 | 0.411 Rank: 41/87 |
0.771 Rank: 63/87 |
0.44818 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.58630 (±0.00000) Rank: 19/87 |
We show the inliers that survive the robust estimation loop (i.e. RANSAC), or those supplied with the submission if using custom matches, and use the depth estimates to determine whether they are correct. We draw matches above a 5-pixel error threshold in red, and those below are color-coded by their error, from 0 (green) to 5 pixels (yellow). Matches for which we do not have depth estimates are drawn in blue. Please note that the depth maps are estimates and may contain errors.
— British Museum —
— Florence Cathedral Side —
— Lincoln Memorial Statue —
— London Bridge —
— Milan Cathedral —
— Mount Rushmore —
— Piazza San Marco —
— Sagrada Familia —
— Saint Paul's Cathedral —
Phototourism dataset / Multiview track
mAA at 10 degrees: N/A (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.10167 over 9 scenes)
Rank (per category): 14 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (input) |
RegistrationRatio (%) | Number of Landmarks |
Track Length | ATE | mAA(50) | mAA(100) |
BM | 2048.0 | 455.04 | 99.87 Rank: 32/87 |
2323.34 Rank: 17/87 |
4.818 Rank: 58/87 |
0.34339 Rank: 16/87 |
0.59355 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.73180 (±0.00000) Rank: 16/87 |
FCS | 2048.0 | 578.52 | 97.93 Rank: 34/87 |
2746.11 Rank: 18/87 |
5.085 Rank: 30/87 |
0.22865 Rank: 12/87 |
0.75210 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.80668 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
LMS | 2048.0 | 647.44 | 99.61 Rank: 9/87 |
2210.40 Rank: 16/87 |
5.608 Rank: 30/87 |
0.24837 Rank: 3/87 |
0.87653 (±0.00000) Rank: 4/87 |
0.92015 (±0.00000) Rank: 4/87 |
LB | 2048.0 | 541.55 | 98.36 Rank: 1/87 |
2270.72 Rank: 11/87 |
5.252 Rank: 36/87 |
0.50599 Rank: 63/87 |
0.71823 (±0.00000) Rank: 29/87 |
0.81220 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
MC | 2048.0 | 474.39 | 100.00 Rank: 1/87 |
2345.47 Rank: 27/87 |
5.132 Rank: 33/87 |
0.34885 Rank: 21/87 |
0.55509 (±0.00000) Rank: 27/87 |
0.69870 (±0.00000) Rank: 30/87 |
MR | 2048.0 | 490.51 | 95.87 Rank: 5/87 |
2413.11 Rank: 21/87 |
4.917 Rank: 17/87 |
0.53969 Rank: 48/87 |
0.43209 (±0.00000) Rank: 29/87 |
0.56336 (±0.00000) Rank: 20/87 |
PSM | 2048.0 | 482.78 | 99.31 Rank: 27/87 |
2682.46 Rank: 20/87 |
4.542 Rank: 30/87 |
0.36256 Rank: 36/87 |
0.63992 (±0.00000) Rank: 34/87 |
0.72392 (±0.00000) Rank: 34/87 |
SF | 2048.0 | 547.93 | 99.83 Rank: 19/87 |
2942.71 Rank: 13/87 |
5.032 Rank: 27/87 |
0.27651 Rank: 11/87 |
0.78395 (±0.00000) Rank: 11/87 |
0.86594 (±0.00000) Rank: 10/87 |
SPC | 2048.0 | 474.10 | 100.00 Rank: 1/87 |
2430.33 Rank: 23/87 |
5.114 Rank: 42/87 |
0.49445 Rank: 55/87 |
0.76203 (±0.00000) Rank: 13/87 |
0.85384 (±0.00000) Rank: 10/87 |
Avg | 2048.0 | 521.36 | 98.97 Rank: 9/87 |
2484.96 Rank: 18/87 |
5.056 Rank: 32/87 |
0.37205 Rank: 32/87 |
0.67928 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/87 |
0.77518 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/87 |
In the multi-view track we reconstruct the scene with Structure-from-Motion (Colmap) with small sets of images. We show the results for one bag of 10 images. Keypoints are drawn in blue if they are part of the model, and in red otherwise.
— British Museum —
— Florence Cathedral Side —
— Lincoln Memorial Statue —
— London Bridge —
— Milan Cathedral —
— Mount Rushmore —
— Piazza San Marco —
— Sagrada Familia —
— Saint Paul's Cathedral —
Prague Parks dataset / Stereo track
mAA at 10 degrees: 0.77890 (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.05114 over 3 scenes)
Rank (per category): 2 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (raw) |
Matches (final) |
Rep. @ 3 px. | MS @ 3 px. | mAA(5o) | mAA(10o) |
Lizard | 2048.0 | — | 444.3 | 0.035 Rank: 43/87 |
0.014 Rank: 5/87 |
0.63024 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
0.76089 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
Pond | 2048.0 | — | 451.8 | 0.048 Rank: 51/87 |
0.046 Rank: 68/87 |
0.59479 (±0.00000) Rank: 12/87 |
0.72725 (±0.00000) Rank: 11/87 |
Tree | 2048.0 | — | 304.4 | 0.029 Rank: 49/87 |
0.025 Rank: 17/87 |
0.74790 (±0.00000) Rank: 3/87 |
0.84857 (±0.00000) Rank: 3/87 |
Avg | 2048.0 | — | 400.2 | 0.037 Rank: 46/87 |
0.028 Rank: 14/87 |
0.65764 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
0.77890 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
We show the inliers that survive the robust estimation loop (i.e. RANSAC), or those supplied with the submission if using custom matches, and use the depth estimates to determine whether they are correct. We draw matches above a 5-pixel error threshold in red, and those below are color-coded by their error, from 0 (green) to 5 pixels (yellow). Matches for which we do not have depth estimates are drawn in blue. Please note that the depth maps are estimates and may contain errors.
— Lizard —
— Pond —
— Tree —
Prague Parks dataset / Multiview track
mAA at 10 degrees: N/A (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.14658 over 3 scenes)
Rank (per category): 12 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (input) |
RegistrationRatio (%) | Number of Landmarks |
Track Length | ATE | mAA(50) | mAA(100) |
Lizard | 2048.0 | 454.24 | 85.30 Rank: 19/87 |
1371.08 Rank: 3/87 |
3.291 Rank: 54/87 |
14.05980 Rank: 22/87 |
0.59347 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/87 |
0.67381 (±0.00000) Rank: 16/87 |
Pond | 2048.0 | 468.53 | 67.40 Rank: 47/87 |
1054.74 Rank: 15/87 |
2.729 Rank: 64/87 |
0.41858 Rank: 17/87 |
0.28738 (±0.00000) Rank: 29/87 |
0.31478 (±0.00000) Rank: 33/87 |
Tree | 2048.0 | 282.33 | 71.93 Rank: 18/87 |
639.00 Rank: 7/87 |
2.910 Rank: 57/87 |
6.08163 Rank: 43/87 |
0.45751 (±0.00000) Rank: 14/87 |
0.49100 (±0.00000) Rank: 16/87 |
Avg | 2048.0 | 401.70 | 74.88 Rank: 32/87 |
1021.61 Rank: 5/87 |
2.976 Rank: 62/87 |
6.85334 Rank: 27/87 |
0.44612 (±0.00000) Rank: 8/87 |
0.49320 (±0.00000) Rank: 12/87 |
Google Urban dataset / Stereo track
mAA at 10 degrees: 0.39722 (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.13541 over 17 scenes)
Rank (per category): 24 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (raw) |
Matches (final) |
mAA(5o) | mAA(10o) |
Amsterdam (AMS) | 2048.0 | — | 314.8 | 0.25536 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.40268 (±0.00000) Rank: 19/87 |
Bangkok (BGK) | 2048.0 | — | 470.8 | 0.06452 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/87 |
0.16600 (±0.00000) Rank: 30/87 |
Barcelona (BCN) | 2048.0 | — | 321.8 | 0.12601 (±0.00000) Rank: 17/87 |
0.22344 (±0.00000) Rank: 7/87 |
Buenos Aires (BAR) | 2048.0 | — | 320.0 | 0.22922 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.37352 (±0.00000) Rank: 23/87 |
Cambridge (CAM) | 2048.0 | — | 343.4 | 0.28836 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
0.43801 (±0.00000) Rank: 31/87 |
Cannes (CAN) | 2048.0 | — | 395.3 | 0.39171 (±0.00000) Rank: 28/87 |
0.51705 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
Chicago (CHI) | 2048.0 | — | 273.4 | 0.20232 (±0.00000) Rank: 19/87 |
0.33286 (±0.00000) Rank: 18/87 |
Helsinki (HEL) | 2048.0 | — | 578.7 | 0.37216 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
0.57423 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
Madrid (MAD) | 2048.0 | — | 252.6 | 0.07477 (±0.00000) Rank: 33/87 |
0.19058 (±0.00000) Rank: 24/87 |
Mountain View (MTV) | 2048.0 | — | 303.5 | 0.23320 (±0.00000) Rank: 17/87 |
0.39004 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/87 |
New Orleans (NOR) | 2046.4 | — | 279.5 | 0.28225 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
0.39645 (±0.00000) Rank: 12/87 |
San Francisco (SF) | 2048.0 | — | 386.5 | 0.18530 (±0.00000) Rank: 32/87 |
0.32703 (±0.00000) Rank: 33/87 |
Singapore (SG) | 2048.0 | — | 308.8 | 0.32152 (±0.00000) Rank: 27/87 |
0.45095 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
Sydney (SYD) | 2048.0 | — | 367.5 | 0.33100 (±0.00000) Rank: 24/87 |
0.48253 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
Tokyo (TOK) | 2048.0 | — | 417.3 | 0.59559 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
0.73873 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
Toronto (TOR) | 2048.0 | — | 284.9 | 0.22560 (±0.00000) Rank: 15/87 |
0.38960 (±0.00000) Rank: 13/87 |
Zurich (ZRH) | 2048.0 | — | 392.3 | 0.26667 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
0.35911 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
Average (Avg) | 2047.9 | — | 353.6 | 0.26150 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
0.39722 (±0.00000) Rank: 24/87 |
We show the inliers that survive the robust estimation loop (i.e. RANSAC), or those supplied with the submission if using custom matches. As the dataset does not contain depth, we color them based on the symmetric epopilar distance on normalized coordinates: from 0 (green) to 2e-4 (yellow), and in red above it. Note that these occasionally contain false positives.
— Amsterdam —
— Bangkok —
— Barcelona —
— Buenos Aires —
— Cambridge —
— Cannes —
— Chicago —
— Helsinki —
— Madrid —
— Mountain View —
— New Orleans —
— San Francisco —
— Singapore —
— Sydney —
— Tokyo —
— Toronto —
— Zurich —
Google Urban dataset / Multiview track
mAA at 10 degrees: N/A (±0.00000 over 1 run(s) / ±0.14975 over 17 scenes)
Rank (per category): 17 (of 87)
Scene | Features | Matches (input) |
RegistrationRatio (%) | Number of Landmarks |
Track Length | ATE | mAA(50) | mAA(100) |
AMS | 2048.0 | 214.08 | 92.53 Rank: 17/87 |
1496.05 Rank: 9/87 |
3.742 Rank: 32/87 |
27.70411 Rank: 48/87 |
0.34230 (±0.00000) Rank: 28/87 |
0.46361 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
BGK | 2048.0 | 333.42 | 95.20 Rank: 39/87 |
2663.53 Rank: 10/87 |
3.586 Rank: 45/87 |
13.21609 Rank: 24/87 |
0.02779 (±0.00000) Rank: 27/87 |
0.08711 (±0.00000) Rank: 24/87 |
BCN | 2048.0 | 201.85 | 88.04 Rank: 4/87 |
1453.46 Rank: 3/87 |
3.718 Rank: 30/87 |
32.25846 Rank: 52/87 |
0.13476 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
0.21801 (±0.00000) Rank: 20/87 |
BAR | 2048.0 | 193.37 | 88.90 Rank: 7/87 |
1380.62 Rank: 5/87 |
3.349 Rank: 31/87 |
16.91840 Rank: 43/87 |
0.15399 (±0.00000) Rank: 27/87 |
0.27015 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
CAM | 2048.0 | 224.12 | 89.73 Rank: 10/87 |
1421.53 Rank: 7/87 |
3.535 Rank: 22/87 |
23.99670 Rank: 18/87 |
0.16510 (±0.00000) Rank: 28/87 |
0.25406 (±0.00000) Rank: 28/87 |
CAN | 2048.0 | 225.42 | 83.87 Rank: 1/87 |
1080.09 Rank: 4/87 |
3.576 Rank: 12/87 |
21.52614 Rank: 37/87 |
0.13484 (±0.00000) Rank: 1/87 |
0.21630 (±0.00000) Rank: 1/87 |
CHI | 2048.0 | 243.92 | 90.70 Rank: 10/87 |
540.65 Rank: 26/87 |
4.540 Rank: 23/87 |
44.45167 Rank: 11/87 |
0.13540 (±0.00000) Rank: 20/87 |
0.22980 (±0.00000) Rank: 20/87 |
HEL | 2048.0 | 421.49 | 95.47 Rank: 6/87 |
2428.07 Rank: 11/87 |
3.981 Rank: 33/87 |
14.32757 Rank: 28/87 |
0.33726 (±0.00000) Rank: 27/87 |
0.46648 (±0.00000) Rank: 26/87 |
MAD | 2048.0 | 168.38 | 91.10 Rank: 16/87 |
1662.86 Rank: 2/87 |
3.218 Rank: 40/87 |
6.44507 Rank: 33/87 |
0.09824 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
0.20545 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
MTV | 2048.0 | 228.43 | 91.78 Rank: 23/87 |
1636.02 Rank: 3/87 |
3.690 Rank: 42/87 |
16.96454 Rank: 33/87 |
0.26644 (±0.00000) Rank: 29/87 |
0.39849 (±0.00000) Rank: 29/87 |
NOR | 2046.4 | 185.61 | 90.47 Rank: 7/87 |
1403.04 Rank: 2/87 |
3.377 Rank: 24/87 |
13.69309 Rank: 40/87 |
0.27490 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
0.36640 (±0.00000) Rank: 23/87 |
SF | 2048.0 | 265.11 | 96.00 Rank: 17/87 |
1893.93 Rank: 1/87 |
3.631 Rank: 35/87 |
22.17563 Rank: 51/87 |
0.27864 (±0.00000) Rank: 24/87 |
0.42483 (±0.00000) Rank: 25/87 |
SG | 2048.0 | 196.29 | 78.13 Rank: 19/87 |
1219.82 Rank: 9/87 |
3.282 Rank: 30/87 |
18.65920 Rank: 38/87 |
0.22623 (±0.00000) Rank: 23/87 |
0.30056 (±0.00000) Rank: 22/87 |
SYD | 2048.0 | 235.47 | 91.17 Rank: 10/87 |
1818.85 Rank: 1/87 |
3.486 Rank: 32/87 |
21.16136 Rank: 32/87 |
0.30345 (±0.00000) Rank: 13/87 |
0.40084 (±0.00000) Rank: 12/87 |
TOK | 2048.0 | 265.89 | 94.13 Rank: 2/87 |
2248.93 Rank: 2/87 |
3.700 Rank: 32/87 |
14.67132 Rank: 36/87 |
0.68427 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
0.75866 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
TOR | 2048.0 | 186.51 | 90.27 Rank: 5/87 |
1702.18 Rank: 1/87 |
3.131 Rank: 41/87 |
16.94814 Rank: 27/87 |
0.21513 (±0.00000) Rank: 4/87 |
0.35549 (±0.00000) Rank: 2/87 |
ZRH | 2048.0 | 251.90 | 92.42 Rank: 3/87 |
1841.99 Rank: 11/87 |
3.333 Rank: 37/87 |
22.48137 Rank: 46/87 |
0.11159 (±0.00000) Rank: 21/87 |
0.18834 (±0.00000) Rank: 19/87 |
Avg | 2047.9 | 237.72 | 90.58 Rank: 5/87 |
1640.68 Rank: 1/87 |
3.581 Rank: 33/87 |
20.44699 Rank: 39/87 |
0.22884 (±0.00000) Rank: 16/87 |
0.32968 (±0.00000) Rank: 17/87 |
In the multi-view track we reconstruct the scene with Structure-from-Motion (Colmap) with small sets of images. We show the results for one bag of 10 images. Keypoints are drawn in blue if they are part of the model, and in red otherwise.
— Amsterdam —
— Bangkok —
— Barcelona —
— Buenos Aires —
— Cambridge —
— Cannes —
— Chicago —
— Helsinki —
— Madrid —
— Mountain View —
— New Orleans —
— San Francisco —
— Singapore —
— Sydney —
— Tokyo —
— Toronto —
— Zurich —