Introducing the 2020 Image Matching Challenge
It is our pleasure to announce the second edition of the Image Matching Challenge, held in conjunction with the CVPR 2020 workshop on Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond.
It comes with many improvements:
- The codebase has been released, along with dozens of methods and baselines, which we will keep adding to.
- A validation set with three scenes which can be used for hyperparameter selection before submitting.
- We propose a methodology to solve the hyperparameter selection problem (in a paper to be released soon) and use it to tune many baselines and find the state of the art among many classical and recent methods.
- The website comes with a new evaluation server, much improved from last year, including several introspection tools.
Please get in touch with us with any questions or issues:
- For general questions, e-mail us directly at
- For technical questions, please file an issue on GitHub.
We are currently working on improvements and features, to be announced soon on this page. Terms for the challenge may still change in the following weeks: stay tuned!