A Word from the WCCCE Chair
Welcome to the 1st Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education. This
day is like a dream come true to many of us. It was about three years ago
when I first started discussing the concept of having a BC conference on
Computing Education with Murray Goldberg and Ken Takagaki, but the obstacles
were hard to overcome. Last year in the regular BCCEC meeting the committee
approved to sponsor the conference as a professional development activity
of our articulation meetings. The program committee was selected and the
conference was born. We still have obstacles to face and financial problems
to solve but we are more confident and more determined than ever before.
WCCCE is the first Canadian conference on Computing Education. Although it
has started as regional conference to serve the needs of the Computing Educators
in BC and the western Canada, it has attracted some attention from institutions
across the country. We hope next year, with an early announcement and more
advertisement to be able to attract more papers from regional and national
The last six months were very busy for the committee. Although the number
of papers we received was small, the procedures, the forms and the material
in general for the reviews and distribution of the papers had to be prepared
from scratch for the first time. Because of the distance, our meetings were
primarily by email. We hope that we will soon be able to use teleconferencing
or any similar idea to make our meetings more effective. One of the issues
the committee had to resolve was the setting of conference fees. We have
decided for this year not to have any conference frees, but to charge a nominal
fee for the proceedings.
WCCCEÃ96 is the result of the efforts of many volunteers. The program
committee did an excellent job in planning and organizing the event in general,
but nothing would be accomplished without the diligence of Charles Brown
and Waqar Haque who handled the local arrangements. Particular thanks goes
to our coordinator Holly Mitchell who helped with all the paperwork, from
the first announcement to the final version of the proceedings. I could not
survive without her help.
But mote importantly, WCCCEÃ96 is the result of the efforts of all
the authors who contributed to the technical sessions of the conference,
the dedicated reviewers who offered their valuable knowledge and suggestions,
and all the participants whose comments, discussions and involvement contributes
to the success of our conference.
Thank you for your participation. Welcome to WCCCEÃ96.
George K. Tsiknis

Program Committee
Charles G. Brown , Math & CS, UNBC ( brownc@unbc.edu )
Rick Gee, CS, OUC ( gee@admin.okanagan.bc.ca )
Murray Goldberg, CS, UBC ( goldberg@cs.ubc.ca )
Richard Hewko, Phys Math & CS, EKCC ( hewko@ekcc.bc.ca )
Vince Manis, CS Langara College ( manis@cs.ubc.ca )
Ken Takagaki, Computing &Academic Studies, BCIT (FTKAK429@BCIT.BC.CA)
George K. Tsiknis (chair), CS, UBC ( tsiknis@cs.ubc.ca )
Local Arrangements
Charles G. Brown , Math & CS UNBC ( brownc@unbc.edu )
Waqar Haque, CS UNBC ( haque@unbc.edu )

Conference Program
Thursday, May 2, 1996
5:00-6:00 pm Registration and Welcome
6:00-10:00 pm Get-together BCCEC/WCCCE diner at a local restaurant
Friday, May 3, 1996
8:00 - 8:45 am Registration & Coffee
8:45 - 9:00 am Opening Remarks
George Tsiknis, UBC and Charles Brown, UNBC
9:00 - 9:45 am Keynote Address
Introduction: Charles Brown, University of Northern British Columbia
Keynote Speaker: Lee Keener, Chair of Math/CS, University of Northern
British Columbia
 | "Building from Scratch: The Computer Science Program at UNBC"
"In the fall of 1994, the University of Northern British Columbia began
full-scale operations. One of the degree programs at the new university was
in computer science. This talk will look at the frustrations, successes,
and opportunities involved in the creation of the computer science program,
with speculations about the future."
9:45 - 10:00 am Break
10:00 - 11:15 am Paper Session A
Chair: Waqar Haque, University of Northern British Columbia
Ethics, Social Implications of Technology, and Computer Science Curriculum
Dominique Roelants, Malaspina University College
Computer Skills Upgrade Project
Debbe Gervin, British Columbia Institute of Technology
Ken Takagaki, British Columbia Institute of Technology
A Traditional Programming Course - ItÃs The PITS (Paradigm) (And
What We Can Do About It)
M. D. Evans, Simon Fraser University
11:15 - 11:30 am Break
11:30 - 12:20 pm Paper Session B
Chair: Habib Kashani, Langara College
A Schematic Approach to Teaching Computation
Vincent Manis, Langara College
Jim Little, University of British Columbia
Practical Theory: A strongly integrated core knowledge curriculum for teaching
computing applications at the first year university level
Lynda Williams, University of Northern British Columbia
12:20 - 1:45 pm Lunch
1:45 - 3:00 pm Paper Session C
Chair: Ian Cavers, University of British Columbia
Teaching Software Design and Maintenance: A Document-Driven Approach
Daniel Hoffman, University of Victoria
Paul Strooper, University of Queensland
Peter Walsh, Malaspina University College
Teaching the Basic Abstract and Conctete Data Structures
George Tsiknis, University of British Columbia
A Computer Architecture for Introducing Computer Architecture
Vincent Manis, Langara College
Nou Dadoun, Langara College
3:00 - 3:15 pm Break
3:15 - 4:30 pm Demo/Poster Session
Chair: Waqar Haque, University of Northern British Columbia
Computer Aided Instruction via a World Wide Web Site for In-House Support
of an Introductory Computing Applications Course with oetoo-many Students
Lynda Williams, University of Northern British Columbia
An Authoring Environment for the Creation of Web-Based Course Material
Murray Goldberg, University of British Columbia
4:00 - 4:15 pm Closing Remarks