Every computer in MUX lab is self administrated and Tech Czar is not obligated to manage software or hardware on those machines. Tech Czar has be informed of every hardware, software crash and problems which require either IT desk's or Czar's help. Main jobs of Tech Czar is to be aware of any problems of a SPIN member has been facing with their hardware and software and might take action and let CS IT desk or Karon know about the situation. Tech Czar might need to communicate with Karon in case or new hardware purchase as well. As each computer is self administrated, each SPIN member is responsible for keeping their password secure. Tech Czar should be informed for any machine movements inside the lab. SPIN- MUX lab has its own network subnet which requires each machine used by SPIN member to be registered with their MAC address by communicating with IT-Help desk at the beginning of a new machine purchase or move. Tech Czar needs to be prepared to be proactive during the move-in move-out periods of the year as he is responsible to set machines available to use. Software and hardware of floating machines (ex: ABNER) are also under the responsibility of Tech Czar although it is relativity on demand job. Czar might need to create user accounts on floating machines on demand. Moreover, if a summer students needs a software on those machines Czar is responsible to install softwares on those machines. Each lab member is responsible for backing-up his/her own data, which can be made by an external drive or network Z: drive (highly recommended). Czar should also be inform users for their OS updates that are highly recommended in timely fashion. Letting IT desk know if printer needs a toner or similar printer issues.