Microsoft Command-line Compiler (cl.exe) Setup: 1. Added to Path, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin 2. Added to Path, C:\Program FIles\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE 3. Added to $LIB, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\lib Phoenix Compiler (c2.exe) Setup: 1. Added to $PATH, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin 2. Added to $PATH, C:\PhoenixRDK\bin\managed\release Using the Phoenix Compiler: 1. Look at the documentation, C:\PhoenixRDK\doc\PhxDoc 2. Look at the entry, Phoenix-Based Tools::Using Phoenix Compilers::c2 Native Compiler::Running the c2 Compiler 3. Look at the entry, Phoenix-Based Tools::Customizing the Phase List::Specifying Options for an Plug-In Building Samples: 1. Documentation, C:\PhoenixRDK\src\Samples\README.TXT, didn't help 2. C:\PhoenixRDK\src\Samples\buildsample.cmd seems to work (builds many samples) Using a plug-in (XML-plug-in): XML-plug-in -- A plug-in that dumps IR from selected phases as XML. Documents how to write a plug-in, and to traverse instructions and their operands by basic block. 1. Created test program, C:\PhoenixTest\test.cpp 2. Execute "cl -B2c2.exe -d2plugin:C:/PhoenixRDK/obj/managed/release/XML-plug-in.dll test.cpp" 3. Look at cryptic XML files in current working directory