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Results from Main web retrieved at 03:24 (GMT)

Group for ARTIFACT wiki Set GROUP RachelPottinger, BarryPo, GarthShoemaker, JoelLanir, MikeLawrence, SherylStaubFrench, KelloggBooth, BrandonWalker, MadhavNepal...
Attribute Data Characteristics of spatial features (extra information other than location and topology). Data storage: For vector data, attribute data is...
TWiki DMM (Data Management and Mining) Group Set GROUP .RachelPottinger, .EdKnorr, .GeorgeTsiknis, .JieZhao, .LaksVSLakshmanan, .LaszloHollander, .ShuanWang...
File Formats for GIS Data Vector Data: Shapefile Developed by ESRI for ArcView GIS Specification is readily available; supported by other software...
TWiki GirlSmarts Group Set GROUP AprilWebster, dubroe, CatherineGamroth, ShannonLarson Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE .AprilWebster, CatherineGamroth (Note...
HAZUS HAZUS is a software program for estimating the effects of natural hazards (such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc). Source: Federal Emergency...
Issues with Integrating GIS and Relational Data Projection each GIS file must have the same projection to be able to conduct any sort of spatial analysis...
TWiki JIIRP Group Set GROUP .RachelPottinger, .KelloggBooth, .JoseMarti, .JorgeHollman, .MandanaSotoodeh, .JuriJatskevich, .BrianKlinkenberg, .GaryPoole,...
Monet And Its Geographic Extensions: A Novel Approach to High Performance GIS Processing Overview: Monet is an extensible (type and algebra extensible) main memory...
Object Fusion in Geographic Information Systems Presents four different `fusion` algorithms for fusing together distinct objects that represent the same `real world...
Paradise Project Goal: The stated goal of this project is to `apply object oriented and parallel database technology to the task of implementing a parallel GIS system...
Spatial Data The absolute and relative location of geographic features. There are two types of spatial (or GIS) data: 1. Vector Data 2. Raster Data Vector...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in .TWikiRegistration. This will create an account for you which...
May 2009 134 20 0 36 WebHome 9 ArtifactGroup 7 BinSngGroup 7 TWikiGroups 6 ProgrammingTeamHistory 5 WebTopicList...
Links .WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki WebHome web to try out TWiki Personal Preferences (details in .TWikiVariables) Show tool tip topic info on mouse...
Number of topics: 15

Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 03:24 (GMT)

Research Paper Summaries Peter A. Boncz, Wilko Quak, Martin L. Kersten: Monet And Its Geographic Extensions: A Novel Approach to High Performance GIS Processing...
Number of topics: 1

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