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META TOPICPARENT name="EmpiricalAlgorithmics"
-- Main.cchris13 - 2017-01-10

TORQUEViewer - Viewer for monitoring TORQUE (installation guide)

This page is part of the EmpiricalAlgorithmics web.

Getting Started

* Running TORQUEViewer requires the QT software. Download https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/ and select community option to avoid license fees.

* Download qtcreator from github:
 git clone =https://github.com/davidivanmarsh/TORQUEView= 
* Download qtcreator from github:
 git clone =https://github.com/davidivanmarsh/TORQUEView= 

TORQUEView Build

  1. Run qtcreator. NOTE: TORQUEView can be run either by root or non-root users (non-root users will have admin-specific capabilities disabled).
  2. Open the TORQUEView project file (File->Open File or Project). The project name is the file that ends in ".pro" (so for TORQUEView, the project name is "TORQUEView.pro")
  3. To build TORQUEView, click Build->Build All, or just click on the build icon (hammer) in the lower-left corner of the screen.
  4. To run TORQUEView, click the green arrow at the bottom left corner of the screen (for Release), or the green arrow with the circle in it (for Debug). This will also build it if it isn't built. The TORQUEViewer GUI should now be open.

Running TORQUEView

  • Now you need to tell the program where to find remote host to run qstat.
  • On the top toolbar, set Data source: to 'Remote host, and set Server: by selecting the Edit... button
  • Add the name of the host. For example, connecting to orcinus you would write
  • [IF YOU CAN'T DIRECTLY CONNECT TO HOST]: If you can't directly connect to host, you can set up ssh tunnelling. To do this for ada, you can write
     ssh -L 1234:ada.cs.ubc.ca:22 username@remote.cs.ubc.ca
    Then Add your server to TORQUEVIEW by adding server
     -p 1234 username@localhost
  • [IF YOU CAN'T DIRECTLY CONNECT TO HOST]: If you can't directly connect to host, you can set up ssh tunnelling. To do this for ada, type at command line:
     ssh -L 1234:ada.cs.ubc.ca:22 username@remote.cs.ubc.ca
    Then Add your server to TORQUEVIEW by adding server
     -p 1234 username@localhost
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