Difference: GrantText (1 vs. 5)

Revision 52012-10-24 - MichielVanDePanne

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META TOPICPARENT name="ResearchTips"

Current DACRRI Sample Description for use in Budget Preparation

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 This includes installation and support of equipment; technical support for researchers; print, file and network servers; printing and copying; and similar direct costs. The estimated costs of these services for this research project are $ DollarFigure."
The estimate for the upcoming years is based on projections of actual direct costs for the previous year.
In the above text, $ DollarFigure is estimated according to the current DACRRI rate (2% for 2012/2013, 5% for 2013/2014).

In the above text, $ DollarFigure is currently estimated by the department as being 2% for 2012/2013, 5% for 2013/2014). Calculate the $ DollarFigure for your grant using this estimate.

The research-related expenses for the department should be updated on a yearly basis, and the projection revised based on this.


Revision 42012-10-23 - MichielVanDePanne

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META TOPICPARENT name="ResearchTips"

DACCRI (starting 2005)


Current DACRRI Sample Description for use in Budget Preparation

All of the following now appears to be out of date, including the percentages. Up to date information now appears to exist only at the following link: https://secweb.cs.ubc.ca/local/affairs/finance/grants/dacrri.shtml
"The UBC Department of Computer Science charges for the direct costs of technical support to research grants. This includes installation and support of equipment; technical support for researchers; print, file and network servers; printing and copying; and similar direct costs. The current charge is 2% "

Old text for DCRRC (pre 2005)

Here's the text to include in your grants:

Proposed DACRRI Sample Description for use in Budget Preparation


"The UBC Department of Computer Science charges for the direct costs of technical support. This includes installation and support of equipment; technical support for researchers; print, file and network servers; printing and copying; and similar direct costs. The estimated costs of these services for this research project are $ DollarFigure."
In the above text, $ DollarFigure is estimated according to the current DACRRI rate (2% for 2012/2013, 5% for 2013/2014).
The UBC Department of Computer Science charges for the direct costs of technical support to research grants. This includes installation and support of equipment; technical support for researchers; print, file and network servers; printing and copying; and similar direct costs. The current charge is 5% of applicable costs for User Fees, 6% for Operation and Maintenance and 2% for Technical Professional Assistants.

The purpose of this message is to provide guidance about how to write grant applications now that the department has approved a direct costs of research recovery charge.

Above is a paragraph you should put into your proposals, describing the nature of the charge. Please use exactly this text, so that all department grants will be consistent in this regard.

You should also include 3 line items in every grant proposal, as described in the language above. These percentages should be of the grant expenditures in the department, including students, staff, equipment etc. Amounts transferred to other departments or universities are not applicable. You'll note that the categories above correspond to categories 1C, 2B and 2C in an NSERC proposal.

If you are applying to a program that prohibits such charges then leave the line item and paragraph out, but please send the department finance officer (Sandra Redekop) a note right away describing the program and exactly why the proposal is exempt. Please do not wait until trying to rush the proposal through Bill's office to send this note. Please send it well in advance.

If you are applying to a program like CFI which has its own formula for such costs, follow that formula instead. But again, please send the Department Finance Officer a note describing this situation.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask Sandra.

-- Main.kevinlb - 08 Oct 2005


Revision 32006-10-27 - KevinLeytonBrown

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META TOPICPARENT name="ResearchTips"

DACCRI (starting 2005)

All of the following now appears to be out of date, including the percentages. Up to date information now appears to exist only at the following link: https://secweb.cs.ubc.ca/local/affairs/finance/grants/dacrri.shtml

Old text for DCRRC (pre 2005)

 Here's the text to include in your grants:

Revision 22006-10-25 - KevinLeytonBrown

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META TOPICPARENT name="ResearchTips"
Here's the text to include in your grants:
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  You should also include 3 line items in every grant proposal, as described in the language above. These percentages should be of the grant expenditures in the department, including students, staff, equipment etc. Amounts transferred to other departments or universities are not applicable. You'll note that the categories above correspond to categories 1C, 2B and 2C in an NSERC proposal.
NOTE: Because of the 20k personal deduction, the average net rate each faculty member pays will be less than 13%. But since grants may see charges of up to 13%, we would like to use this number in all the proposals.
 If you are applying to a program that prohibits such charges then leave the line item and paragraph out, but please send the department finance officer (Sandra Redekop) a note right away describing the program and exactly why the proposal is exempt. Please do not wait until trying to rush the proposal through Bill's office to send this note. Please send it well in advance.

If you are applying to a program like CFI which has its own formula for such costs, follow that formula instead. But again, please send the Department Finance Officer a note describing this situation.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask Gregor or Sandra.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask Sandra.

-- Main.kevinlb - 08 Oct 2005

Revision 12005-10-08 - KevinLeytonBrown

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META TOPICPARENT name="ResearchTips"
Here's the text to include in your grants:

The UBC Department of Computer Science charges for the direct costs of technical support to research grants. This includes installation and support of equipment; technical support for researchers; print, file and network servers; printing and copying; and similar direct costs. The current charge is 5% of applicable costs for User Fees, 6% for Operation and Maintenance and 2% for Technical Professional Assistants.

The purpose of this message is to provide guidance about how to write grant applications now that the department has approved a direct costs of research recovery charge.

Above is a paragraph you should put into your proposals, describing the nature of the charge. Please use exactly this text, so that all department grants will be consistent in this regard.

You should also include 3 line items in every grant proposal, as described in the language above. These percentages should be of the grant expenditures in the department, including students, staff, equipment etc. Amounts transferred to other departments or universities are not applicable. You'll note that the categories above correspond to categories 1C, 2B and 2C in an NSERC proposal.

NOTE: Because of the 20k personal deduction, the average net rate each faculty member pays will be less than 13%. But since grants may see charges of up to 13%, we would like to use this number in all the proposals.

If you are applying to a program that prohibits such charges then leave the line item and paragraph out, but please send the department finance officer (Sandra Redekop) a note right away describing the program and exactly why the proposal is exempt. Please do not wait until trying to rush the proposal through Bill's office to send this note. Please send it well in advance.

If you are applying to a program like CFI which has its own formula for such costs, follow that formula instead. But again, please send the Department Finance Officer a note describing this situation.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask Gregor or Sandra.

-- Main.kevinlb - 08 Oct 2005

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