Difference: AnimationInterfaces (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122006-03-01 - boliang

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"
-- MichielVanDePanne - 26 Feb 2006
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  An interesting idea, however it seems too unsophisticated for the more experience animator. The number of controls to manipulate the keyframes is too limited and is likely to frustrate some users. A user's goal may be to play large segments of animation and would like to see how one motion may smoothly transition into another giving it a realistic look and feel: which is a feature this system is lacking. Over all, it is a potentially interesting idea if extended further. – Disha Al Baqui
Using the pre-defined natural keyframing as a start to process IK solver in the system should be a better solution. The unrealistic pose can be avoided. This paper, as well as the previous one, the authors show us two very interesting and innovative ideas on how to design, create and performance animations. The control interface and results are attractive, but as two prototype systems, there are gaps to be the commercial implementation. As mentioned in this paper, they are good for demonstration in front of the audiences. -- Bo Liang
 Link to the paper
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