Difference: ArduinoProject (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62009-05-25 - sstuber

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META TOPICPARENT name="SummerInternships"


Line: 94 to 94
  BA: What is the HDV mode? Is that the high speed mode? If not, is there some way we can toggle between standard and high speed recording?
SS: HDV mode is the name they gave the video recording mode in the lanc protocol page. There is no way I am currently aware of to change to high speed recording.

Command Line Options

Line: 118 to 120
 -mr Starts Multi-Camera Record


Updates by Steven

so far I have not found a way to manually focus the new HD cameras through the LANC protocol ( maybe functionality was removed? )

I will run a test of every possible command that exists to see if I can find anything new ( and hopefully the focus functions for the new camera ).

 -- Main.sstuber - 21 May 2009
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