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Revision 72009-07-20 - sstuber

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META TOPICPARENT name="SummerInternships"


Controlling the HDR camcorders using the Arduino prototyping board.


Current Command Set

Here is the list of commands that hopefully the rest of you can come up with some new meta-commands for use with the command line application.

Realistically none of the commands that only work only for playback mode will even be used. ( cant get to playback mode using Arduino )


LANC Command Set

Below is the list of RAW LANC commands that exist. These are not usable with the Raw flag in the ArduinoCameraController, they are too low level.
Command     Description
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 05 & 2A Switch Mode from Camera - HDV or vice versa 5E Turns Camera Off
The following are commands I created ( they do various things with the above commands or just things within my program ( special/normal ) )

pp Turns Camera On nn Switches to Normal Mode ss Switches to Special Mode mp Starts Multi-Camera Pause mr Starts Multi-Camera Record


Proposed Meta Command List

These would be used in the following context. ( executable is named serial ) at command line: serial -c command

Also, note any suggestions for the command line switches ( like -c or -h ) and comment on possible changes in the Comment section below

Place your ideas here, and don't worry about special or normal mode ( that is irrelevant and will be removed in the final program )

Command           Description

init              sets all the cameras to fully zoomed out and the focus set to closest ( this is an example, you could put your name in parentheses at the end if you want )

zto(x,speed)      zooms camera to particular setting (how many discrete zoom levels are there?) [BA]
zby(x,speed)      zooms camera by some +/- delta amount [BA]

ssel(cam)         select a particular camera (zoom-command above would affects only the currrent camera) [II]

maf(on|off)       multiple cameras auto-focus on/off [II]
msnap             multiple cameras snapshot [II]


Meta Command List

Refer to the
documentation below


 Add anything useful I might want or need to know here: ( maybe you don't like using -c and would rather commands be default? stuff like this )

WH: I think there are three possible levels of command interfaces

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Command Line Options

Option            Description

-h                Shows This Help Screen

-c                Sends Command to Serial Port   ( eg. -c 5E 

-f                Sends Command to Serial Port with Minimal Delays

-r n              Repeats the Commands n Times ( eg. -r 5 5E )
Refer to Documentation
-m Monitors the Serial Port ( end with CTRL C

-l Lists Usable Commands for -c Argument modify with -l s or -l n For a List of Special/Normal Commands Respectively


Updates by Steven

-mp Starts Multi-Camera Pause
The three folders related to this project are available in the SVN repository. They contain source code and documentation on how to use and troubleshoot each of the applications. The documentation is also available below in the attachments. Refer to that for further information.
-mr Starts Multi-Camera Record
SVN Repository folders are
-- Main.sstuber - 21 May 2009

Updates by Steven



so far I have not found a way to manually focus the new HD cameras through the LANC protocol ( maybe functionality was removed? )
I will run a test of every possible command that exists to see if I can find anything new ( and hopefully the focus functions for the new camera ).
-- Main.sstuber - 21 May 2009

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="General Guide for using Camera Array" date="1248115164" name="CameraArrayGuide.pdf" path="CameraArrayGuide.pdf" size="28946" user="sstuber" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Camera Controller Documentation" date="1248115239" name="ArduinoCameraController.pdf" path="ArduinoCameraController.pdf" size="76945" user="sstuber" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Strobe Controller Documentation" date="1248115256" name="ArduinoStrobeController.pdf" path="ArduinoStrobeController.pdf" size="49473" user="sstuber" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="USB Downloader Documentation" date="1248115277" name="USBDriveController.pdf" path="USBDriveController.pdf" size="48066" user="sstuber" version="1.1"
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