> > | What is the contribution of the paper?
This paper found a way to automatically decide the optimal locomotion in the aquatic environment. First, in this paper, it first simulated the motion in water controlled by N-S equation. And then, for locomotion, the motion of joint with most efficiency is used. That is easy to understand, the aquatic animal always use the easiest and most efficiency way to move utilizing the help of force in water. Furthermore, with the optimization control by CMA, it simulates more nature locomotion and get a balance between physical realism and generality.
How are the results evaluated?
This paper animates a wide variety of aquatic animals, such as clownfish, turtle, frog and so on. And then evaluating motion, this paper demonstrates the effectiveness in different gaits. Furthermore, the author also pointed out that with different kinds of fluid flow, this system will produce dramatically different animating results.
Is the paper reproducible?
Partially reproducible. The dataset and the model is easy to reproduce. And the N-S simulation is such a mature technique that we can implement it easily by learning some course paper. But for the implementation of CMA, they only points out that the optimization is based on the CMA. The detailed parameters are missing. And the source code is invisible.
How could the paper research or paper writing be improved?
Considering the optimization is the second contribution in this paper, I think it should have more introductions about optimization (i.e. how to use CMA here) by details. Although the reader can learn CMA by referring the corresponding paper, the paper should also show the detailed implementation of CMA in the paper case.
-- Main.chuanzhu - 02 Dec 2011 |