Difference: ImagerSoftwareList (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32011-11-22 - etorresv

Line: 1 to 1

Imager software list

Line: 8 to 8
-Remember you can also ask the help desk to install any free license software.
-Mathematica licenes are not supported, let us know in case you need one.
-For Mathematica licene look at http://www.it.ubc.ca/service_catalogue/computers_printers/software/mathstat/mathematica.html.
-Maya student licenses are obtained for free directly from Autodesk, once downloaded ask the department to install it.

Revision 22011-11-01 - etorresv

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Imager software list

-Imager software includes 3DSMax, Adobe flash, Quicktime Pro, Adobe Creative Suite, SPSS. They are installed in the guest machine.
-Useful department software includes Matlab, Maple, Microsoft Visual Studio.
-Remember you can also ask the help desk to install any free license software.
-Mathematica licenes are not supported, let us know in case you need one.
-Maya student licenses are obtained for free directly from Autodesk, once downloaded ask the department to install it.
  This spreadsheet contains a list of machines and the Imager software that is installed on the machines.

Revision 12011-09-26 - GlenLee

Line: 1 to 1

Imager software list

This spreadsheet contains a list of machines and the Imager software that is installed on the machines.

-- GlenLee - 26 Sep 2011

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="List of machines with Imager software installed" date="1317068051" name="software_list.xlsx" path="software_list.xlsx" size="11894" user="glee" version="1.2"
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