Difference: ImagerTechnicalInformation (51 vs. 52)

Revision 522012-03-27 - cherylsl

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Imager Technical Information


Installation of SuSE Packages

modified: Mar 27, 2012
  • Packages cannot be installed until they have been verified not to conflict with other installed packages (some packages may conflict, despite being be on the list of SuSE supported packages). This can take a few days depending on the tech staff member's schedule. If faster response is desired, recommended procedure is to install new packages under evaluation on a user-administered machine on subnet 54. If any of these package meet user requirements, they can then send email to help to have them installed globally. Once new packages are installed this way, they will become part of the default department OS image.

PowerPoint on TSE servers

modified: Feb 6, 2012
  • The slide show function does not work.
  • Going directly to slide show does not work. It results in a hung window. You have to hit ESC key get out of slide show mode.
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